A True Family

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A/N ~ Sorry this took so long guys :( I love you all! ~Liyflower_xx

   News that Lily Potter was pregnant travelled fast. Somehow every wizard in England knew the news and it even spread abroad. It made front page news on the Daily Prophet and a whole 20 pages were dedicated to 'The New Potter."

   For some reason Rita Skeeter believed it necessary to retell the entire story of the Potters from Lily and James meeting at Hogwarts to the Wedding to the attack of Lord Voldemort. Apparently a new Potter was highly important to the wizarding world.

   To say Harry was excited was an understatement. He spent all day and night thinking about his new baby brother or sister, telling his parents all the things he would teach them, all the people he would introduce. He was beyond excited.

   However despite all the excitement he was thrust back into the normal feel of things when school started again and as the months of the pregnancy passed Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco Malfoy became closer and closer.

   Draco it seemed wasn't as bad as the other Malfoys. James had the theory that his father hadn't had the chance to corrupt him yet. That wasn't for lack of trying though. In the secret letters Draco and Harry were exchanging Draco claimed that his father had been making comments about the Potters and the Weasley's and how they were 'inferior' to the Malfoy family.

The night of the party at the Malfoy house.

   When Draco and his parents arrived back at their manor (Draco couldn't help but notice it was smaller than the Potter manor) his father silently waved his hand towards the dark drawing room, indicating that he wanted Draco to enter.

   Draco sat in a small armchair by the unlit fire in the large, empty room. The house was cold and harsh, it was devoid of love. Draco wished for the 5th time he was still at the Potter manor with Harry, Ron and Hermione. He missed his friends, he'd never had friends before unless he counted the children of his fathers associates.

   Ron and Hermione were staying at Harry's that night. Draco wanted to ask whether he could stay too but Remus, Harry's uncle, advised him to not say anything like that to his father. It made Draco sad, he didn't understand what was so wrong with his friends.

   Draco was getting bored waiting for his father and desperately wanted to summon Dobby to take him to The Potter Manor. Just when he was about to his father walked into the room.

   "Draco."  Lucius said curtly when he entered and he sat in the chair opposite his son. "What do you have to say about the Potter boy?"

   Draco was conflicted. Did he tell the truth or lie? He wanted his father to understand that Harry was a good person. The only thing stopping him was the words of Remus.

"Don't tell your father that Draco, tell him that he was right about Harry, tell him that he wasn't as spectacular as people make him out to be."

"I don't see what people see in him if I'm honest father." He drawled, knowing that's how father would want him to sound. "I mean, he's just a normal kid, he isn't even intelligent. I don't understand, he's not spectacular in the slightest. You were right father."

It felt cruel lying about his friend. It wasn't right but it was what he had to do it. He knew he was right from the look on his fathers face, the smirk he was wearing made it clear that Draco had said the perfect thing. Draco began to question his fathers morals, he began to question who he really was.

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