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A/N: This whole story will be in Harry's POV unless otherwise stated at the beginning. These first few chapters are going to be a recap of what happened after the band broke up. After these it'll change back to 'present day'. Thanks for reading!


After the band broke up, Zayn went on a downward spiral. Perrie is now out of the picture. She broke up with him, stating that she doesn't have time for a relationship with Little Mix still being successful. Perrie has now been attempting at a solo career, but hasn't yet been successful.

After the break up Zayn fell into a state of depression. Of course us boys were there for him at that point. He was not only sad about it, but angry. Most nights he would come home drunk from the club and end up crying his eyes out in a heap on the floor. Eventually he got over her though and now he's ok. Well, at least I think he's ok, you never really know with Zayn. Then again he doesn't talk to me much anymore. Well, he doesn't talk much to anyone anymore.

Anyways, after getting over the break up, Zayn fell back into his old habit of smoking. He refused to get help and without his career on the line, he didn't have the motivation to quit. Zayn has also had a few bad experiences involving drug abuse and alcohol. Let's just say cigarettes aren't the only thing he's smoking anymore.

As for all his money, it's mostly spent paying bartenders and drug dealers. Of course Zayn is more than wealthy but he still doesn't know when to restrain himself. He lives the farthest from us now. It wasn't unlike Zayn to keep his distance, I'm actually surprised he stayed for as long as he did. He now lives on the outskirts of England, in the country side as opposed to the rest of us who live in the city.

Mostly, Zayn keeps to himself. After many struggled attempts at trying to get him help, rehab, anything, we have just given up on him. Although I know that's not completely true, I, as well as the other boys, would be there at the ring of a phone for Zayn, but maybe he's given up on himself as well.



Liam's been ok. He and Danielle have an on/off relationship. He actually proposed to her last year, but only was met with rejection. This resulted in yet another period of about three months where their relationship status remained: single. Eventually, they got back together though, and agreed they would take it slow. Danielle still has her career as a dancer going for her and she's still fit as ever. Liam, on the other hand, not so much.

After the break up, Liam began to let himself go. The first few weeks he was in the gym the entire time, trying to stay fit in hopes of the band getting back together. When he realized that dream was near impossible with all the problems and complications in our lives, he gave up and now just walks around his home all day with nothing to do. Now, when I say he let himself go, I don't mean to say he's become extremely overweight. He's probably only about 4 or 5 pounds heavier now. But with nothing to have to look good for, he's not motivated to shave off those last few pounds.

Liam mostly handled the business side of things. He negotiated the amount of money we would get from this whole experience and would sign the resignation papers and numerous contracts. He's the one you might see on the Telly sometimes, dealing with the interviews and giving false reasons as to why we were no longer a band. Sometimes you would see him on talk shows or in the occasional newspaper article. But, our fan base was diminishing quickly and we were no longer bombarded with paparazzi every time we left the house or mobbed on our way to the market. Our faces stopped flashing on the news television shows and stopped appearing on the cover of those magazines that look like they were designed in Microsoft Paint by 10 year old little girls. We were old news.

Liam was the one who indulged the most out of all of us. He now owned a sportscar collection including numerous Aston Martin's, Rolls Royce's, Lamborghini's, and Bentley's. Aside from the occasional holiday, none of us spent most of our money. Liam still had Danielle to impress though, and continued to shower her in diamond necklaces, earrings, and designer clothes.

Liam and I lost touch a while ago when he moved back to Wolverhampton to be closer to his family. Aside from the rare phone call wishing each other a happy birthday, we didn't talk much anymore. We told each other when we ended it that we would remain best mates, but things change, people get in the way, and those promises are broken as easily as a pencil.



Niall's house was actually the closest to mine. We lived but a mere block apart and I could visit him any time I wanted to. Unfortunately, Niall has been living in Mullingar, Ireland for the past four months. I haven't seen his happy, little leprechaun face around for what feels like forever. To be honest, Niall hasn't been his usual, happy self in a long time. Far longer than when the band broke up. You could almost see his problems eating him up. When we were on break, all he would do was lie in his bed all day. He put on a smile for the fans, but even they could tell there was something wrong.

I think Niall took the break up worse than any of us. It took him almost two months to sign the resignation papers. He couldn't accept that this fantasy was over. I think it was best for him to go home. Niall was always the innocent one, the pure one. Not a tattoo on his skin as opposed to the rest of us who had them coated all over our bodies. They always said we would regret these, guess we didn't think the day would come when we did.

I visited his house the other day, I've been keeping up with it since he's been gone. His house is filled with One Direction memorabilia. His walls are coated with pictures of the five of us from places all over the world. He insisted we take a picture together every place we went, that is, until the last leg of our final tour when we knew it was going to end. There were CDs everywhere and our 3 platinum records were hung on the wall. In the room beside his bedroom was his music room. There was a recording studio inside but the most impressive part was his huge collection of guitars. They ranged from acoustic to electric in almost every color you could imagine. I noticed the first time I came here that one of them was missing, the one he's had since he was a child, the one he brought to X Factor. He had obviously brought it with him to Mullingar.

Along with his collection of guitars, Niall also had a strange fascination with SnapBacks. He had one from almost every country in the world, every one that we had visited.

Niall was the closest with the fans, he had nicknames for them, inside jokes, and numerous fan books made especially for him. He tweeted the most and could make the Directioners trend almost anything worldwide. He loved them, he truly did, and they loved him back. That's probably why it was hardest on him, he didn't want them to leave. But once the band split up, most of our fans left. After the break up, Niall deleted all of his accounts, he couldn't have the constant reminder just haunting him. He still had a few secret ones though, where he would talk to the few faithful ones without them knowing it was him. If they only knew.

Niall had made a few records in his recording studio, but never in a million years would he sell them to record labels, hoping for a record deal. In his mind, we were a package deal. But really, if he tried, he'd get signed in a split second. His voice was beautiful and his songs were even more amazing. He wrote a few about the band, about how we would always stay together, but in reality, we were anything but.

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