The Hunt

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Emme and her brother Cole were hunting a deer. Its hooves were loud in Emme's ears. She could almost hear the blood rushing through its veins. It was calm - it thought itself undetected. Emme licked her chops. She could almost taste the hot blood of the animal. Cole's lip pulled back gently, revealing long and sharp canines. He was trying to restrain himself. Emme slunk forward, ears back in a show of submission to her brother. He growled softly at her.

This is my prey, he whispered through their pack link. He's been taunting me for months.

Emme ached to move. She didn't understand Cole's hesitation. True, she had a special gift from the moon and had particularly strong senses, but Cole should've sensed the beast by now. Cole dipped his head and sniffed the ground, moving slowly but steadily towards the deer's resting place. His large paws were silent against the forest ground. Emme didn't move. She closed her eyes and listened.

The deer's heart rate had increased. The beast was aware that something was wrong. She could feel the tautness of the deer's neck as it tried to take in its surroundings. Emme stood and shook out her coat. Cole snapped his teeth together, anticipating the feel of the animal's flesh between his teeth.

He was only a second too late.

His powerful hind legs propelled his strong body into the air. His jaw open and his claws extended, but the deer sprinted nimbly away.

Looks like he's bested you again, Emme laughed over their link. Cole didn't respond. He was giving chase. Emme caught up quickly, her paws pounding out a gentle rhythm into the soft earth. She chased for the sake of chasing - she wanted to witness Cole's defeat and laugh, and she wanted to run. She loved the feeling of calm that coursed through her as her wolf emerged completely to enjoy the smell and feel of the wood. She lagged behind her brother out of deference - though she was faster than he, his sharp teeth would be quick to nip at her hind and remind her of her place.

Cole gave up chase after the deer bounded over the river that separated the Eastern boarder from human territory. He sniffed in disgust and dipped his head to drink from the clear water. Emme's tongue lolled out as she settled herself against the forest floor, resting her head on her paws. Cole finished his drink and raised his snout to the air, sniffing out the scent of smaller game. An unfortunate found itself clasped tightly between his jaws. Cole tossed the animal in the air, and caught it in his mouth, snapping the animal in half.

Show off, Emme huffed, as she stretched in the midday sun.

Cole swallowed half of the animal whole, snapping his teeth and licking his snout before nosing the rest of the carcass to his sister. Emme retreated and let her wolf emerge. She couldn't stand the sensation of consuming raw meat or killing helpless animals, but she was not one to abuse her wolf. She watched as her wolf sniffed at it, ears lowered, before consuming it whole. The animal's hot blood coursed down her throat and landed hotly in her belly. Her wolf was humming with delight. The sun had made the grass warm and the sound of the river lulled her wolf into a light nap. Cole nosed her side and whined.

I want to run, he said.

Emme stood and shook her coat. Cole nipped gently at her flank, encouraging her to move faster. Emme's wolf was all too happy to comply, leaping forward in great bounds before settling into a pace that was comfortable.

Race me! she challenged, laughing and dancing about him. He snorted and nipped hard at her before racing ahead. Her wolf lagged behind out of respect. She didn't want to best him. They ran westward until they reached a slowly sloping hill. Cole plopped down, panting. Emme's wolf wasn't tired yet. Nose to the ground, she took a deep inhale, seeking out some game.

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