chapter 3

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Coming to terms with my pregnancy hasn't been as tough
As I thought it would be, only thing bothering me is that I'll be a single mother just like my mother basically was, don't get me wrong she was bad ass with the whole only parent thing, its just...I've always dreamt of what my father looks like, and how different it would be of he was here.

Snapped out of my thoughts as bile rises in my throat, running to the bathroom getting rid of this mornings Cinnamon toast crunch that I had. God I hate morning sickness.

Flushing the toilet, grabbing my toothbrush to brush my teeth I look at the clock and notice the time, having to quickly brush my teeth and head out the door.

Running down the street, to the bar 5 blocks away, its my morning to clean it up.
slowing down it feels like I have a pair of eyes watching my every move
Turning around not watching where I'm going I bump into someone
Muttering a quick sorry before looking up I see I bumped into a handsome man in a suit, looking into his blue pools of eyes has me lost that in them that I don't realize he's still holding onto me.

That is until I hear a low deadly growl, so low that if it wasn't for my wolf hearing that I wouldn't have heard it, reluctantly I pull myself out of his arms and start looking for where the sound came from, when I don't  succeed in find who it came from I turn back to the blue pools that locked me in a trance and see worry and a hint of confusion in them.

"Are you alright" he ask in a British accent that makes my knees weak

Not trusting my voice I nod that causes him to smile at me, and boy that smile, Those Teeth has already puddy in his hands, so wanting to be in his arms again, I look down and just my luck I see a rock on the ground I telling the stranger thank you, I walk around him and step on the rock and almost falling on propose.

Feeling his arm rap around me again I feel a tinge bit guilty for using him for my own satisfaction, but it's gone away as soon as it comes.

As as soon as I'm in the stranger's arms again, I'm snatched back and stumbling into a hard familiar chest, I freeze when I hear him growl at the stranger, getting enough courage to turn and look up, then gasp his eyes are gold with a hint of black, looking back the stranger, his eyes are wide and he's slowly backing away, feeling eyes on me I turn once again.

Gasping and wide eyed when I see his canines slowly coming out.

His next words surprise me more than my pregnancy itself did.

"So, We're you ever gonna tell me you we're pregnant." Damon said

Yeah, yeah, I know GASP! how does he know!

I know this chapter is short but I have things to do guys,

I only updated cause I love you.

Yeah you should feel special.

Just kidding, not really lol jk jk

Lol Byee  ✌until tomorrow my little birdies.

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