Last Royal Princess

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We all looked at Kylie dumbfounded as she was breathing heavy as her eyes started to change back brown
What the actual hell is going onI thought to myself

After 2 minutes of silence I finally broke it

"K-kylie can y-you explain what just h-happened?" I stuttered out



More silence

"Kylie Daniels!"

Even more silence

Now I was annoyed...

"Kylie Anne Daniels answer me!, explain please what on earth you were talking about!" I roared

This caught her attention

"OK" was all she said

She sighed took a seat in one if the chairs and began

"I was told about you when we were 10, they thought something like this might happen and they didn't want us to be lost about it so they told me & I'm kind of here to protect you, like my mom was with your mom" she was bout to continue until I interrupted her

"So you were never my bestfriend? You were just here doing a job basically? Or 'protecting me' as you say, wow" I laughed sarcastically "dont I feel special"

"Kaylie I'm sorry I didn't tel you, I-I tried plenty if times, really I did but, I was sworn to secrecy and also a white witch put a spell on me until you found out, I wasn't aloud to say anything...until you found out."

There was an uncomfortable silence until I broke it

"So the whole story about how they were shunned, was that a lie?"

She wait a second before answering

"Kind of..."

Oh this is gold I don't know weather to cry or laugh, the two women that I've look up to and would die for and loved until my last breath lied to me

"Lo freaking L" I laughed angrily all three of them was looking at me like I was crazy...I think that I am after finding out I'm a 'Royal' and that my mother the only women I've loved more than myself sometimes, lied to me about her life and mine, oh and let's not forget how my other mother was only actually a bodyguard there to 'protect' my lying mother, and  lastly (I saved the best for last) sister or should I say bestfriend nah i think i should say 'bodyguard' has been pretending to be my bestfriend, and I'm pregnant to some stupid guy who thinks he can create his own pack... My life is messed up.

"Kayliee, You have to believe me I-I tryed many times before to tell you, b-but I just couldn't, th-the witch cast a spell so I couldn't until it was time"

I dont know what to believe, who to believe, In all honesty my wolf believe Kylie, its just kinda hard to let this new information to stick in me right now.

Letting out a long sigh I finally look up from the ground as my hysterical laugh cry comes to an end

"Could you guys please leave me alone for the rest of the day, can-"

But unfortunately I was cut off by Damon

"We're not leaving you alone, your able to leave so I'll get a nurse in here to take the iv out and we can leave"

I scoffed, who is he, The Queen of Sheba?

"I'm asking for a few measly hours to myself so I can think things through, is that so hard! Damn it! I just need 3 hours to myself to think let me do that will you!"

Breathing heavily I look at all of them with a scowl

"Sure Kay we can do that, you can sleep on this" Kylie spoke up

I just nodded and waited for them to give me peace

Signing in defeat Damon starts to walk out first, followed by Xavier and Kylie

Before the door fully closes I hear kylie whisper something

"I really am sorry Kay"

As the door clicks shut and I'm left alone, in silence and to myself I start to think

Goddess my life is a mess.

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