meeting the badboy.

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Lexi pov

I walked into the school with everyone casting the usual mean glares. No one liked me cause I was Austin Blakes best friend. How it happened? Well it was a sunny day at the park. I was seven and I was doing the monkey bars. I climbed to the top but couldn't get down cause my one of my pig rails were stuck to a screw. I started crying when a little boy came out of no where he jumped up.

When he got up he smiled and slowly pulled my hair away. We've been friends since. But I love him. I always have. He's become a player but always stays for me.

He's gorgeous.

"Lexi wexie come here" a voice calls

I turn and see Austin and blush. Ugh hormones. I walk over and he pulls me into a bear hug.

"Hi austie" I say

He pouts and it's so cute.

"No fair. I hate the nickname." He says"sexy Lexi"

I start blushing crazily but here someone clear there throat. I turn and see the bad boy.

Trent Smith

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