Whatever it takes

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Lau&Larry met up at the police station and gave the officer the information they found out....

Okay boys so she got in the car with someone how do you guys know she didn't know him....officer! Lau kind of yelled....the officer folded his arms acrossed his chest...I'm sorry officer....but look she's with us okay she wasn't meeting anyone we know that for a fact....we love her and she loves us....oh so this is some type of love triangle yall have going on? Nothing like that we love her she's our friend we want her back are you going to help us or not....Look son at this time your friend left with someone with out a struggle so no I'm not! Ughhhhh Larry said as he stood up his tall frame hovering over the officer...Lau come on bro there's no sense in still being here they aren't going to help us!!

With that Larry and Lau left the precinct and didn't  know what to do after that they were really hoping and praying some how some way Sammie got in touch with them....they went back to the hotel...Lo my mind isn't letting me rest Larry said while resting on the lounge....Lau was laying across the bed....I know bro I don't know what to think or feel...I should have never brought her...no Lo it's not your fault someone was just evil we get this person I promise you that...we aren't leaving without her!! Okay bro but I'm so tired right now...I need some sleep well you go ahead bro I can't right now my mind racing a thousand miles a minute....I'm going to walk the strip to see anything okay...okay Lar be careful bro I will...with that Larry walked out the hotel room leaving Lau to sleep.....

Larry walked up and down the strip to see if maybe Sammie would be there little did he know Sammie was locked up like a prisoner being tortured like an animal.....if only Larry knew how to get her...

As Larry was walking back to hotel he happened to see an Audi A4s with a burgundy top pull up he stepped to the side out of sight so he could see who was getting out of it....and to his luck it was the blonde the sales associate said she saw Sammie with...he hurried and called Lau....

*Lau phone rings*

Uhhhh hello....Lo....Lo? Yeah bro what's up? I see him Lo I see the blonde who was driving that car....(Lau)you sure bro?? Yea Lo I'm positive...(Lau)where are you Lar...I'm on the strip by the buffet....he walking into some type of gentleman club Lo hurry and come meet me I know for sure he is the guy....(Lau)okay Larry stay out of sight I will be there in a few minutes....

Larry watched Blondie as he walked into this club and watched to make sure he didn't lose him....Lau finally caught up with him....Lo here...Larry signaled Lau over to him....okay so where's this guy Larry....he's still in the club....they waited about an hour and then finally Blondie came out waited for valet to get his car at this time Larry&Lau hailed a cab and told him to wait before pulling off when they did they told the driver to follow the Audi they paid him well for his worries....the cabby asked no questions and drove they told him to stay back a little off the car they didn't need for him to get suspicious....the cab driver said okay and they took that hour ride to rescue Sammie.....

They got out a mile away from where Blondie pulled up and told the cabby he could go....they ran up to the house and looked all around there was no sign of Sammie...Larry you sure this was the dude? Yes I'm sure Lo I'm sure.....we have to keep looking I'm sure she's here I can feel it....with that they looked all around outside the house to see if there was a way in without really being caught....

Lo look you go around that way and see if theirs a garage or basement or side slide door we can get in and I will check this side....okay Lar be careful bro you too Larry said...with that they parted ways.....
I was laying in the bed still tied up and dirty from Brent being all over me....I just wanted to wash him off me and die I  didn't want to live how was I going  to face Larry and Lau again after this ordeal....how would they react to me....I was shamed and never wanted to see them again...I just wanted to go home and never be bothered again.

I heard the door knob jingling and was scared to death I didn't know what Brent had up his sleeve this time....I held on to the rope that had my arms in the air and just held my breath.....just then Brent walked in and locked the door behind him so Princess you ready for me again.....Please Brent I begged just let me go I realized I did wrong I will do all I can do in my power to make it right.....I told you it's to late for that everything is destroyed with that company it's a goner.....Now your going to pay for that until I'm tired with you then I'm going to throw you to the garbage....

Larry found a way to get in he text Lau to let him know he found a way to get in....Lo where are you?(Lau)- On the other side of this house (Larry)-well come back to the left side in the corner I'll be here waiting for you....soon Larry&Lau were together....okay Lo help get this window off track so we can get in by this door....they lift the window and was able to slid through with no problems one of the perks of being skinny....they got inside the house and found it dimmed and silent....it was an eerie silence

They raced down the halls watching their backs for Blondie or anyone for that matter....they listened to maybe they could hear anything nothing just silence.....Larry Lau whispered....yeah what if this isn't the dudes house we looking for....we haven't seen a sign of Sammie yet.....Lo I'm serious she's here I can feel it....okayyyyy Larry you have 10 minute after that I'm out....okay bro.....

Brent walked over to the bed that Sammie was laying in and untied her....look Princess if you behave I might leave you untied but it all depends....so come so you can clean yourself I like it fresh for me.....Brent walked Sammie to a bathroom that was in the room behind the wall he had a sliding door entrance the tub was huge and shower head was huge...he turned the water on to room temperature and told Sammie to get under the shower told her to wash herself and make sure she cleaned up well....

Larry heard the water and was wondering where the sound was coming from....him and Lau walked down the long hall toward the back of the house to a door near the side of the kitchen Larry grabbed the knob and slowly began to turn it but it was locked....so they stood out side the door to see if they could hear talking...finally they could hear Blondie and Sammie talking...Larry looked at Lau see I told you she was here he whispered to him....okay but how you suppose we get her out of there the door is locked I don't know Lo let me think bro....

Brent motioned Sammie to come to him please Brent she begged I'm so sore I really can't take no more...get over here now BITCH....Larry heard him and was ready to break the door down....Lau had to stop him Larry we will get him but from the sound we don't want anything else to happen to her...Larry agreed and stood there heated ready to kill....Lau had to think of a plan look he said to Larry when Blondie comes through the door we will jump him okay Lar....he had to nudge him to get his attention yeah Lo yeah....

Loving Them Both By FIDOLEGENDWhere stories live. Discover now