Part 1, Chapter 1 - The Beckoning

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"Sinclair.. SINCLAIR!!" I jolt up to hear my father screaming my name from the room next to mine. As per usual, both my father and I are running late to our respective destinations. Darren, my father, is a Police Officer in a decent - sized town south of Santa Fe. He's the stereotypical GShep Cop, but nonetheless fun to be around, and is the source of half of my friends.

Groggily, I flip myself over in my bed to face my clock sitting a few inches away from my nose. Upon comprehensing the time, I start to have that little panic I usually have when this happens. I slide out of my bed and onto the floor, where I scourge for any clean clothes anywhere in my vacinity. That's when Darren walks in on me, worming around like a hermit.

"What on earth are you doing now?"

I pause and stand up, still in nothing but my boxers.

"Collecting" I say as I drop the embarassed smile, and the head scratching naturally goes with it.

"Yeah well collect faster, we should'a left five minutes ago!" Darren's already waving his hands around like he's in a bad sitcom. I nod with a sigh, proceeding to dig through any and all clothes I have to look presentable and clean. Stopping to admire myself in the mirror, I smirk at the lean, but muscular, GShep smiling back at me. I pivot and reveal my back, and all of the horizontal lines spanning from the mide of my back down to the end of my tail. After preforming every hygenial act, I bounce into my father's squad car.

I arrive at school around 7:30, 15 minutes after class started. My father playfully pushes me out the door, then after a second of thought, he rolled down the passenger window and told me to watch the traffic as he turned on his lights and sirens to make a speedy getaway. My father flew down the long two-lane road and cut through the massive parking lot, and before I could say "Jesus fuck, dad" he was gone. I proceeded through the vacant courtyard save a few trees and other late students. In a matter of minutes I ended up in my Creative Writing elective, which is a very good first period.

I'm an avid writer, so the class was a breeze for me so much as a social hotspot.

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