Strangers meeting

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(Y/n) pov

As i walk down the hall of the plane to get to my seat i see a few other people that are going to Popcorn as well Theres this one guy um i dont think I've watched his channel before to be honest i dont think i know ANY of these youtubers! Wow im really alone I find my seat and instantly think Yes Window seat! I smile mentally and sit down while the plane assistance puts my little luggage in the area above the hall she seems to be happy by the fact that she had to something small away instead of this other person who probably brought their whole house i heard her saying under her breath "oh god not another one ugh" i felt bad so i offered her some help
"Hey excuse me do you need some help with that?" I asked
"Oh! Um yes actually yes thank you" she responded with a small smile
Once i helped her with the luggage i sit down in my spot again "wow i dont think anyone wants to sit next to me" i say quietly a little to soon (Y/n) i mentally scold as some girl walks along the aisle with a backpack and a reggae satchel and mahogany glasses she looks ... nerdy i think

"Um hey hallo" she says
"Oh! Um hey" i respond not really wanting to
"So ... i guess we get to fly to indy together!" She cheerfully yells
"Oh .. great" i again respond not really wanting to answer and have her sit next to me she sits down and starts talking about her channel oh boy this is going to be long

Time skip brought to you by buttztoe inc.

After the some hour flight (idk were yo from or how long it would take to get there so back to the story) i have learned that this girl had a channel called Rininkle Lawnfwars and no one knew her real name she was a lets player and this was her first popcorn i learnd alot more but i rather not make a list to bore you so i ended up enjoying her stories so we swapped numbers once we got off we had to separate
"D'awwwwwwww do we have to leave" Rin wined like a child
"Yes we mush i have to go to a hotel and you have a friend to meet ... what was his name again?" I ask
"Markimoomers!" She yellped with glee
"Markimoomers? Marki? Markimoo? Markimoomoo? Mark? Marki? Markiplier!" I asked surprised by my result "you know markiplier?!" I shout
"Yes silly! Hes like an older brother to me!" Rin stops to ponder about something oh no please dont be a stupid idea i think as well
"Hey if your not busy you can meet him and some of his friends if you want?" She offers me this great idea wow! Really! Me meet markiplier?! And his friends! Whoa i really dont think i should do this but im so excited to actually meet another youtuber i blurt out my answer
"Yea sure why not" okay it may not be the most 'exciting' response but thats just me right?
"Great! We can meet up tomorrow mourning and get some mickey D's" she offers another great idea
"Mickey D's?" I ask pondering about her education in grammer
"McDonald's" she simply answers
"Oh" you respond back the conversation has ultimately come to a full stop so you say your good byes and your off on your way to find a nice hotel

Welp wat didja think? Second chapter ami right! No? Just me? Okay ... anys i hope this goes well ive been thinking about having this story for a long time and i dont want it to end to soon but this chapter must come to a stop so bu-bye 👋 X3

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