Why Would He Do That?

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AGAIN!!!! I DO NOT own any of these random pictures okay? Thank you now back to the story

We started walking around main street with Mark praticaly giving Rin a piggy back ride until now when he dropped her ... right now

"MARRKKK!!!!" Rin shouted with obvious anger

"EEEEEEK!!!!" Mark yelped as Rin chased him to who knows where all we saw was them crossing streets, getting honked by cars, and running in and out of shops with angery owners yelling furiously

"Um should we help em?" Jack asked mostly towards me

"Nope Mark got himself into this problem he can get himself out" Bob answered barging into our conversation

"I honestly dont think he can" Wade also jumped in "but i dont wanna help him" he added

"Does anyone else see the resemblance to pucca here?" I ask seeing how cute Mark and Rin would be together

Aww dats sow coote i think as a out-minded smile creeps on my face

"Come on laddies and lass" Jack said as he grabbed my hand twirled me around did a dip then stood me back up

"we shall continue on our stroll" he finished as he puts his hands in his pockets and walked off with Bob & Wade at his sides

What was that?!?!?! What happened?? Why would he do that????? What?? How??? When??? Why?!?!?!?!

I mentally scream at myself with questions therioes, conclusions, and even more questions

"Hey (Y/n) ye comin?" Jack ask stopping only for a second to turn and look at you then to go back to walking

"Y..yea ill.... ill be comin" i say lost at words and quietly following the boys

Rin's pov

I had finally caught Mark and somethings happened but when we got back to the rest ofthe group i saw (Y/n) obviously pondering over something i could see it in her eyes

"Hey (Y/n) can i talk ta yea for a bit?" I ask looking back at Mark and lettinggo of his hand "its okay you guys can go on" i say with a smile and head for (Y/n)

"Yea Rin whats up?" (Y/n) ask she knows that i know that she knows something happened ... or i know she knows that something happened ... no thats not it either or is it oh whatever i gatta find out the problem

"More like whats up with yo i could tell yo been pondering bout some junk and im going to save yea because you and i both know thinkin is dangerous for yea" i say in my stupid eays that always made someone laugh

"Umm... what? No im fine Ron-" i cut her off

"Ron? Im Rin Rons my bro/problem" i say

"Bro? You got a brother?" She ask

"Welp i cant tell yea fer certain but me and Ron are tight lik ... a leprechaun and their pot-O-gold" i answer (kinda)

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