Abraham Lincoln

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Hey guys!!! I'm very sorry that I haven't been updating.

I'm just really busy sometimes with school and stuff. Also I had this project that I was working on [it sucks btw] and I decided to take a picture of Pres. Lincoln. What do you think? :D

{ DancerofDawn21 the project!}

I'm working on the new chapter of Just 1 more Month. Just a heads up, that story is going to get a little confusing, so please bear with me. Everything will probably make sense to you when the story is done.

And I'm also working on that new chapter of I'll Find You. I haven't updated that in a long time.

I'm also having writer's block so I'm going to probably update in a few days. Maybe next week or on Sunday. I don't know.

Anyways, have a good night!!!!


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