Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait, I'm on vacation right now and I had a hard time with this chapter. I really love it and i hope you like it too. Don't forget to vote and comment! Also, let me know if you want a Harry pov sometime soon. Thanks and enjoy :)


                Harry sat down on the bright green grass, his eyes wide with awe. I smiled and sat down next to him, probably a little closer than I should have. He didn’t notice though, he was too busy taking in scenery. I smiled, his expression resembled that of a child in a candy shop. He brushed his hands across the grass and looked up at the sky. He took in a deep breath as a small smile crept across his face.

                We sat in the clearing where a small waterfall fell into the creek. Wildflowers surrounded us, making it look like we were on a set for a chick flick. Not that I watch those or anything. But yea, it was nice.


                “Yea Harry?” I said as I turned to him.

                “Why did you bring me here?” he looked at me with a soft expression.

                “Because I trust you.” He nodded his head and didn’t say anything else for a while.

                My high school years had been rough. I didn’t have many friends. I struggled with my sexuality, I experimented, I got hurt, and mostly I got beat up. It was really hard for me, so every day after school I would come to this clearing to get my mind off everything and study in peace. Sometimes I’d stick my feet in the water and imagine my perfect guy. I’d sit for hours imagining how different my life would be if I had an amazing boyfriend to make things better. I’d imagine bringing him to this spot, and sitting here and just talk and cuddle.

                Now I sat in the very same place, next to the most perfect being on this planet, almost exactly like my fantasy, besides the fact that he’s not my boyfriend. Yet.

                “So Harry, you’ve been here for a while now. Have you found anyone you think is attractive yet?”

                “Not necessarily.” He turned his head to the side, looking at the trees beside him.

                “So, are you avoiding my eyes for a reason, Harry?” I smirked.

                “N-no” he cleared his throat. “Not at all.”

                “Then look me in the eyes and answer the question again.”

                “Why?” he looked over at me again. “I was just enjoying the view.”

                “Ok, then you wouldn’t mind answering it again.”

                “Why do you keep pressing this?” he growled.

                “Sorry Harry, I just wanted to know.” I smiled at him.

                “It’s ok Lou, anyway, I did see one attractive person.” A big, goofy grin spread across his cheeks, making me grin too.

                “Oh, is that so? Who was this mysterious attractive person?”

                “Not sure, I’ve only seen them once.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

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