Chapter 2

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A/N Mild Swearing

I flopped onto my bed, and stared at the white ceiling.

I wanted Friday to come so badly...

Hey, don't get me wrong, I didn't want to go out with that jerk. Hell no. I wanted to get it the hell over with.

Apparently, some of his worshipers saw him ask me out, and suddenly, I'm the subject of all their interests. They've been giving me a hard time ever since that dark Wednesday morning. I mean, you think high schoolers would be more civil about their feelings, but no, they do all sorts of stupid things that you'd think they'd have more sense not to...but common sense isn't very common nowadays...

---------------- *5 hours earlier*---------------

"Hey, you," A squealish voice called out. I kept walking, how was I supposed to know they were talking to me?

"You! Nerd!" Okay, now I knew they were talking to me. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

I felt  a hand on my shoulder, and I was roughly spun around. I stood, too close for comfort, in front of a tall, blonde, tightly outfitted, heavily made up girl, and her cronies. "Are you deaf? I was talking to you!" Her spit flew into my face.

"Okay," I started, pushing her hand off and wiping my face, "You didn't once call my name, so can you please get your ass out of my face?" 1-0 Haylie! Booyah!

She sincerely looked confused. "I'm looking right at is my ass in your face..." Idiot. One of her not-so-idiot friends leaned in an whispered something to her. I watched as realization dawned on her. She narrowed her eyes at me. "YOU BITCH!" Aww jeez. Here comes the spit again. "You wish my ass was in your face," She sneered.

"No... I really don't." I walked away.

"Don't know how Chase is into that little..." Her voice faded away the farther away I got.

....And that, dear people, was incident #1.

---------------3 hours earlier-----------------------

As I closed my locker, I was greeted by an unsmiling face. It was a girl...most likely one of Chase's followers...

"Bailey, is it?"

"Hailey." I corrected her.

She scoffed. "Like I care. Look, just stay away from Chase. We good? Good." Knew it. "Because we both know he's out of your league."

"Excuse me? Listen, in order for me to be intimidated by you, I'd have to care what you think. News flash: I don't."

I turned to walk away, but she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Just stay out of my way, and we'll have no problems." She knocked me with her shoulders as she waked past, knocking off my glasses and making me stagger.

Picking them up, I huffed and went on my way, when it dawned on me who exactly that girl was. Penelope Chrissen. She was one of the girls other girls envied, and boys desperately wanted.  Chase's on and off girlfriend for months. But now, it looks like I'm in her way of getting the relationship back on... Ha-ha! Sucker! I never liked that girl... I walked on, head high and hips swinging.

....And that, dear people, was incident #2.

And two was quite enough for me.


I traced patterns in the ceiling with my eyes. I thought about my day...

Who knew that this would cause me so much trouble...

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