The bad boy harry styles.

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Hey guys so im going to start wrighting this fanfiction im going to updater as much as posible i hope you like it also the editing might be bad but i hope you enjoy it


Hey, my name is charlotte im 17 and i now live in England i moved from las angeles last week. I have long brown hair and blue eyes.Mum is making me start my new school today, ''charlotte hurry up your going to be late for school'' mum said with a annoyed tone in her voice . i got up out of bed and walked into the bathroom i turned the shower on and hopped in. I washed my long brown hair and shaved my legs, i used my berry body scrub and washed my body, once i had finished everything i walked back into my room .

I went to my  draws and picked out some light blue skinny jeans and a hoddie, im going to go casual today im so tired i carnt be botherd doing much today. I grabbed my converse and slipped them on , ''charlotte hurry up you have 20 minutes until school starts'' ''year year im comming'' i grabed my bag and made my way down stairs because i didnt have much time to do my hair i just put it in a messy bun.

''Bye mum '' ''ceya have a good day at school your father and i are going on a busniss trip we will be back next week iv put money on your card for tea and stuf be good'' it really annoyed me how my parants did that they just all of a sudden leave even when i was litttle.I opened my car door and jumped in my car my car is pretty flash really its a white  ferrari, i turned on my car and and reversed out my drive way.

Luckly rushwel high school wasnt to far away from my house it only took 10 minutes by car but i couldnt imagine walking there . i slowly pulled up outside the school it was a old brick building it looked quit scary copared to my school is l.A . i parked my car in a empy space under a tree school hadnt started yet because i could still see kids sitting out the front of schoo, and by there cars. SHIT i forgot to do my make up luckly i brought my makeup bag i put on some foundation and a little mascara then i was done i just waited to for about 5 minutes.

Finally the bell rang and walked up to the main building i heard someone wolf wistle i turned around to see a bunch of boys withed looked like your adverage bad boys but one of them stood out he had curly brown hair and peircing green eyes,Something got to me about it him it sent shivers up my spine. I carried on walking i opend the up the door to the officeand walked to the front desk .

''Hey im charlotte im new here '' i said to the lady she wasd really old with blue eyes '' oh right of course ill just go get you locker key and your timetable '' i waited for about 3 muntes before she came back '' here you go dear '' ''thanks'' i looked at my timetable i had math first just great i hate math so much. i walked down a long old corridor then sudely i banged into someone and fell to the floor ''ouch'' i said i looked up to see the curly haired boy staring at me '' um are you um ok sorry'' ''year im fine just a saw head thats all'' i let out a little laugh he smirked ''your new here right im harry''.

''Um yere im Charlotte but um do you know where this clas is im kinda lost'' he took my time table and stared at it '' yere it just down there im in your math class'' ''oh ok cool thanks'' we walked to our class the whole way i could feel a pair of eyes on me it made me feel really awkward.


Hey guys so im sorry this chapter was a bit boring but i promise it will get better this was just a starting party to get to know everyone kinda thing . anyway i will update again tonight . x please vote and comment any ideas you have for the story i wil take suggestions :) and sorry for the spelling mistakes and everthing :) 

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