there is something wrong with this kid

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hey guys sorry havnt updated in a while just been busy but ill try update heps tonight cause i have nothing to do haha please leave a comment and vote xx


I sat there is disbeliefe there really is something wrong with this kid, iv never been into trouble for someone to try kill me ''harry im leaving i have no idea what your own about why would someone kill me for ?'' ''your dad is not who you think he is im not to sure what he does but he did something bad and it resulted into you getting hurt i know this because he asked me to look after you'' he looked assuring but something wasnt right.

He lead me over to the couch ''wanna watch t.v ill make us some grilled cheese toastis'' he walked off to the kitchen i quickly grabbed my phone out and texted amanda the situation i quickly got a replie saying he dosent lie he does get involed with that kinda stuff be safe i turned my phone of and foccused on the t.v there was nothing on so i got up to look at the photoes that were on the shelf. There was a photo with harry and a girl around my age must be his sister or something,i fet a presence in the room sure enought i turned aroundand there was harry with the sandwitches.

He handed me a plate and i sat back down on the couch ''your going to have to stay here tonight you can have the bed'' this was kinda awkward cause i only meet him today ''no um its fine ill sleep on the couch'' he gave me the look here im upposed to say fine i sighed we turned back to watch the tv still nothing was on . i grabbed my phone out and went on my facebook 65 new messages probaly from my friends back in l.A, i was right they were just asking how i was i replied to all of them .

it was getting quit late i nearly fell asleep '' wanna goto sleep?'' harry asked i noded harry picked me up bridal style and headed up the stairs ''you know i can walk right'' he looked at me and smiled we came to a door witch let to his room , he put me down on the bed ''um do you have something i can wear?'' he walked over to his draws and picked out a large t-shirt and some shorts. ''thank'' i said ,i walked to the bathroom put them on and washed my face .

i walked back into the room harry wasnt there he really was diffrent from alot of the other boys i kinda liked him i wasnt going to deny it i mean his curls his eyes his body he was perfect who wouldnt like him.i checked my phone one last time and i had a text from amanda saying good night and i hope your ok . I ploped my self on the bed then climbed under the covers it smelt like harry it was acually quit nice then i driffted to sleep.

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