Tenth Chapter: Sympathy.

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Nahyun is still waiting in her bed for Halin to send her the laptop. She then begin to take her phone and look through Pinterest. While she busy scroll down her phone, she heard someone is knocking on the door.

"Hello? it's me! Halin." said Halin in a happy voice.

"Oh hey, come in." said Nahyun.
"Hi, sorry i'm late. I went to a nearby store to buy this for you!" said Halin while showing a plastic full of foods to Nahyun.

"Hahaha, thanks!"

"You're welcome. Oh here, your laptop Mrs. Nam."

"Yeah, just put on this table."

"Okay." said Halin while putting the laptop on top of the table. "So, how are you now? How's the baby?"

"I'm good and also the baby. The doctor said that I can give birth to this baby anytime soon."

"Oh really? Wow, glad to hear that. But Nahyun, your husband is super stressed because he can't handle you, you know."

"Why would he stress? I'm his wife." said Nahyun in mad voice.

"Hey, chill. Maybe because this you guys first time having a baby so that's why. My husband was like that too. He almost runaway from our house because he can't handle my temper."

"Idk, but this day, he don't usually spent time with me. He always spent way too much time at the office."

"Nahyun, relax. Once you give birth to your baby, he'll treat you like a queen. Believe me. Hahahaha."

Nahyun laugh with her hands holding her tummy.

"Ouch, i can't laugh too much. It feels like this baby is gonna burst out from my tummy."

"Burst out? Hahaha, you funny Nahyun. Umm, i'm thirsty. Do you want some cold drinks or coffee? I'll treat you."

"Really? Thanks Halin. Can i have some white coffee please."

Halin nod and take her handbag.

"Wait here. I'm gonna come back in 10 minutes." said Halin as she walk out from Nahyun's room.

--- Halin POV ---

I walk to the hospital cafeteria with my phone on my hand before i saw a bunch of paramedic with a guy that were all covered in blood.

"Nurse, can i know what just happen?" i asked.

"Oh, it's an excident. Between a man and a truck."

"Oh, is he still alive."

"Idk, but from what i know, he will no longer survive."

"Oh really, pity him. What happen to the truck driver?"

"He just had a minor bruises."

"Oh my God, do the hospital call out his family member?"

"Idk miss. But from what I know, they did found the victim's hand phone a the crash site."

"Oh really? Sorry for asking too much." I said as I bow down to her."

I looked around before entering the elevator to 9th floor.

// End of Halin's POV

Halin make her way to Nahyun's room and open the door.

"Here!" said Halin while handing the white coffee she bought for Nahyun.


"You welcome. Btw, what happen downstairs? I heard anambulance sirens outside..." ask Nahyun.

"Oh that, there is an accident occur between a truck and a man. I think he is drunk..." said Halin as she took her donuts out.

"Really? Well, they know that they shouldn't be driving while drunk but they did so, so yeah you got back what you've just did." said Nahyun while take a sip of her coffee.

Halin just nod at her word and continue eating her donuts.

After all those chatting and gossiping, Nahyun slept. Halin get up from her sit and put a blanket over her. Halin pack up the leftovers they have spent then take her stuff and return to her work again.

It's 9:24 p.m and Nahyun start to feel the contraction. She hold on to her stomach until it hurt so much. She screams out for nurse to help her and a few nurse is rushing to her room.

"What's wrong? Did you felt the contraction?" ask one of the nurse.

Nahyun just nod to her instead of answering her question.

"Okay. I want you to lay on your back and relax. We will move to the labor room as soon as we can." said the nurse while trying to calm her down.

The nurse ask the nurses to provide the delivery room and two male nurses are trying to push the beds Nahyun towards the delivery room. Before they went out from the room, Nahyun took the nurse hand and ask her to find Seungyoon.

"Don't worry,  I will call your husband. Now I want you to relax because you will give birth to your baby in just 20 minutes." said the nurse while caress her hair. Nahyun nod and continue to the delivery room.

The nurse went to the counter and start to find Seungyoon's phone number before she call him. After she found the number, she call him right away.

"Hello?" said Seungyoon.

"Hello. Is this Mr. Kang?"

"Yes I am. Who is this?" ask Seungyoon.

"I am Ms. Oh from Seoul National Hospital. Your wife Mrs. Nam is giving birth in 15 minutes or soon, would you be here as hurry as you can?"

"Yes I'm on my way to the hospital. Thanks for calling.' said Seungyoon in hurry. He put down his phone on the passenger sit and rush to the hospital. Once he got to the hospital, he run towards the elevator with his phone on his right hand. As soon he got in the elevator, he push the 9th button and started to dial Mino's number but three's no answer. He call Mino in about 3 times but still, no answer. He search for a nurse to guide him to the delivery room. While he was calling out the nurse, Ms. Oh had found him at the counter and led him to the delivery room.

As soon he arrived at the delivery room, he found that Nahyun is crying out her pains while holding the nurses hand.

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