chap 3: missed it..

505 20 31

Toby xD b'cause he is going to be ya'll readers first target.
And why is everyone is being so cruel for not giving me a damn hug *pouts in corner*
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(Y/n) had woken up since 4 am. She couldn't really sleep after that. So all she did is get everything ready. While waiting for the time to leave, (y/n) decided to wander off the mansion like building that they actually called 'house'.

"Good morning, miss. How can i help you? " Stence asked her with she had her back on his direction. "Oh, Stence... no i'm just thinking that i could take a walk around here before leaving.. '' i learned his name from the nametag that he's weaing. "Alright.. inform me if you need anything... '' with that, off he goes.

(Y/n) starts to take a step before she feels drowziness( *coughs*) flows in her tiny head. "Huh? W-what's happening.. uhh.. '' she then decided to go and ask Stence if he had any medicine to cover it. "It's always happened... '' Stence muffles under his breath not letting (y/n) heard him.

"W-what is it?'' , '' n-nothing.. please, follow me.. '' , ...

(Y/n) POV

" please, follow me.. this way.. '' Stence starts to walk first. I did as he ask. He led me to what it seems a medical room (??). He hand me a small bottle with several pills in it. "Here, have this..'', ''oh, but i only need one.. '' i replied, trying not to sound rude. "Believe me, you'll need it.. '' . I just shrug it off and took it.

Time skips :v coffee anyone? No? Okay..

"Thank you so much sir, i'll do my best to acomplish this mission, sir!'' I saluted the Jeneral. " then my luck is with you.. good luck, soldier...'' and then he drove off from the where i actuall stand. Here i am. I'm standing on the edges of the woods , all alone, oh wait, i have Chey.

"Gotta go find a place to build a tent.. '' then i'm off into the woods. I was quiet scare and paranoid walking in this endless woods all alone (sorry chey) , i mean, who's not?

After a few minutes of walking, i heard my radio comucater (oh my xD tummy gonna blow) starts to buzz. "Soldier? Do you copy? " i can tell that was Mr.Ghani's voice by his serious tone when speaking. " (y/n) here, copy that'' i answered it. Then it went silent. Well i guess they just wanna check on me. Alright. I guess i can build a tent here. Let's just wish i don't get eaten by wild animals here, alright? Okay.

I took everything out from my backpack and starts to work on my tent-to-be. I've been praticing how to build a tent in my military school. Well, it's part of the army training.

___ time skips :v again sorreh ya'll.__

"Phewww.. finally did it.. '' i look around. "Hmm?'' I saw something white sticked on a tree trunk. "Huh? What's that? " . A note? I sprints to it and reach a hand to grab it, and failed due to my height. Damn. It. Then i starts looking around for a stick that maybe could help me to reach the note. But instead of wasting my time, i'd better collect this firewoods to make fire pit.

But curiosity got the best out of me. I went back to where the tree should be with the note on it. It's weird cause it's not there anymore. "Pftt- probably some squirrels took it.. '' i walk back to my tent. And take my time while waiting for orders from them jeneral. I take this opportunity to set Chey ready. Let's have some momento mah sweet lil' babeh .. okay.. i creeped mydelf out.
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" soldier? Do you copy? "  i heard the radio buzz again. " copy that'' i simply answer it.  " roger.. it's showdown time, do your best, and do not make yourself got notice.''  Gee, his voice is more serious than usual and that makes me feel panic. " Yes, Sir!'' I replied while saluting even though they can't see me.

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