Chapter 6: The Odd Bunch

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Ohaio Minna! Time for a new update! I'm really happy reading your comments and the positive support I get! It's amazing, and if you ever want to talk because you experience depression or bully or something like that, message me :) I've been through a lot of things myself so remember, you are never alone! Even if I don't know all of you, I still consider you guys a very big happy family :D And every happy family has it flaws!

Well anyways, I hope you guys will be satisfied with this chapter, and Until next time, Minna, Take care!

Mira opened the doors, the breeze catching my hair as it blew behind my head and I was more than happy knowing that my hat was in my bag and not on my head. The hat is really special to me.

I blinked as I heard arguing voices, watching as the pink haired boy from before was trying to strangle a raven haired boy. A black haired boy was sitting, legs crossed, and was muttering something, probably annoyed.

I blinked, feeling myself getting pushed forward as Erza spoke.

''Natsu, Gray!''

Natsu and Gray stopped dead, them both looking terrified out of their minds as they got up from each other, their bodies shaking.

''Were you fighting?'' Erza growled, her voice almost sounding demonic.

Now I'm happy that I'm not their friend. Being friend with Erza must be like being a friend with a demon.

''N-No!'' The duo shrieked, hugging each other.

I blinked, my mouth falling in a 'o' shape.

''Thank god your here, Erza.'' A small voice said and I looked down at a small blue haired girl that I hadn't noticed before. She was sitting next to a brown haired girl. The brown haired girl was eating a sandwich, minding her own business.

'' Wendy.'' Levy said, placing her hands on her hips. ''Did they fight the entire time we were gone?''

''Ye-Yes!'' The little girl replied, making Natsu, I guess is the pink haired boy, shake his head in fear.

''N-No, you-''

Erza stepped forward, an almost dark aura surrounding her.

''Urusai.'' She hissed.

''H-Hai.'' Natsu sighed out, rubbing himself on the neck as he looked down.

''Ara, Ara.'' Mira sighed out, giggling a little as she grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the group against my will.

Juvia appeared next to Gray.

''Aaah~ Juvia doesn't care if Gray fought. Gray can fight as much as he want if it means that he will strip for Juvia.''

I sweat dropped.


''O-Oi.'' Gray said, looking at her in shock as he tried to pry her off him as she tried to hug him, and probably suffocate him with her breasts.

Mira giggled, as if she found it funny and looked down at me while Levy joined by my side.

''So, this is our small group.'' Levy said, smiling at the odd bunch.

I blinked.

''That's Gajeel.'' Levy said, nodding to the black haired boy with the piercings. '' And that's Gray and Natsu.''

''Yo.'' Natsu said, grinning at me. '' Nice to meet you.''

I took a hesitant step backwards.

''That's Cana. Gildarts daughter.'' Mira said, nodding towards the brown haired girl.

''And this Wendy, she goes to the class below us.'' Levy said, nodding to a smiling Wendy.

''Ni-Nice to meet you!'' Wendy exclaimed, looking shyly away.

My face softened for the first time the whole day, blinking in awe at the girl.

She is so cute and so shy.

'' What are you thinking about, Luce?''

I flinched.

''L-Luce?'' I whispered, looking at the pink haired boy.

''Yeah! That's you nickname!'' He said, giving me a cute closed eye grin.

W-W-Wait?! Cute?!

''You like it?'' He asked.


''You are scaring her.'' Gajeel said, opening his eyes for the first time since I got to the roof.

''I do not!'' Natsu protested, turning around.

I blinked as the duo began to argue and I smiled slightly as Erza scolded them and the others began to laugh.

This is a very odd bunch.

''So, Lucy.'' Wendy said, smiling at me as she sat legs crossed. '' Where did you go before you came here?''

I blinked. '' Uhm, I was home schooled.'' I whispered with a blank face. '' this is my first time going to a school.''

Wendy gasped and Levy side hugged me.

''I'm so happy! Fairy tail High is very honored to be your first real school!'' Levy exclaimed, making me feel uncomfortable in her hug.

''So, I'm not really familiar with the whole home schooling thing.'' Erza said as Natsu chewed on his spicy sandwich. ''How is it being home schooled? Do you have other people there? Siblings?''

''No.'' I simply replied, biting on my rice ball.

''Seriously?'' Gray said, rasing his eyebrow. ''No siblings?''

''Nope.'' I said, popping the 'p'. ''Only child.''

''That must be lonely.'' Juvia said, giving me a pitiful look.

''Actually.'' I protested. '' I liked it.''

''Yeah, I guess being alone is kind of good, You don't have a lot drama and such.'' Mira said, taking a bite of her nut bar. ''But it must have been hard moving here, leaving all your friends behind.''

''Friends?'' I whispered, tilting my head. '' I didn't have any friends.''

''You didn't?'' Wendy exclaimed, looking surprised.

''Nope. Never needed anyone.'' I whispered, shrugging as I nibbled on the rice ball again.

I took the last bite on my rice ball, silence laying over us like thick butter and when I opened my bento, Natsu grinned.

''That looks good.'' He said, pointing to my bento.

I looked up and then down and then up again.

''You want it?'' I whisper asked him. '' I'm full anyways.''

He shined up. ''I can?!''

''Of course.'' I said, preventing a smile that was going to break out on my face thanks to his eagerness.

''Thanks, Luce!'' He exclaimed, me handing him my bento.

''That's nice of you, Lucy.'' Erza said, smiling sweetly.

''I guess.'' I muttered, crossing my arms. 

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