Chapter 3

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I landed in the grave with a loud thud, a few of the ribs from the skeleton's remains snapping beneath my sudden weight. I screamed as a burning sensation spread up my arm as though on fire. My vision blurred and I saw double as I tried to sit up. A clump of dirt broke loose and showered down on me as I managed to pull myself into a slump against the dirt wall. I attempted to speak but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. Instead, I choked as I struggled to breathe. Shouts flew above my head then a blurred figure jumped down beside me.


My name was carried through the air in a dreamy haze. Struggling, I tried to recall what was going on. Someone placed their arm around me and lifted me to my feet. Was I in a dream? I looked to the figure's face next to me. Squinting, I tried to bring their features into focus but they remained muddled.

Jocelyne, you ne...

I shook my head hoping to bring clarity to the situation. They were speaking to me but I couldn't concentrate on their words. The figure in front of me suddenly vanished and I felt a tug on my arm. I cried out as I was yanked up onto solid ground. Reaching up to steady my head I could barely grasp my surroundings.

I felt a click of recognition as I caught the smell of cinnamon. It wafted lazily through the air. Another burst of flame wove up my arm and down my legs bringing me down, but instead of the dead grass and dirt I was expecting, my hands found carpet. Surprised, my head snapped up.

Heat licked my face as I found myself opposite a good sized fire place. I stood, almost tripping over the thin ends of my dress in the process. My emerald eyes met jade ones in a mirror above the fireplace. I blinked at the same time as the other eyes.


I spun around and found father looking back at me. His ash brown hair was ruffled from a night's unrest and a scowl lay on his face curving away from his sideburns. However he was dressed as sharp as usual with his cravats wrapped up to the chin under his navy blue single-breasted tailcoat and beige trousers.

"Yes father?" I asked, keeping my voice light.

"You missed breakfast," he stated, his voice level. I swallowed hard. He was livid.

Widening my eyes with a look of innocence I responded, "I apologize father. I went to meet with Gertrude this morning and I lost the hour."

His face reddened and his jaw clenched. He spoke through his teeth, "I thought I had made it quite clear you were to attend this morning's breakfast as Mr. Rugter was joining us in regards to your engagement."

I had to keep my face from flinching at the sound of Mr. Rugter's name.  He was a vindictive and revolting man. It was all I could do to not lose my temper in his presence and keep a pleasant face. Still trying to keep my voice guiltless, I replied, "Sorry father, I really had lost myself-"

"Don't lie to me girl!" I recoiled as he swept his things off his desk in a fit of fury. With three large steps he was in front of me, finger angrily shaking at me. "If you so much as think I believe a single word you are breathing to me, you are wrong child!" Spit flew from his mouth in his rage. "You humiliated both our reputation and more importantly our family. We were only so lucky as to have Mr. Rugter accept our apology and excuses! I know you were running around with that insolent of a man I have repeatedly told you to maintain your distance from, but enough is enough!" My hands grabbed the sides of my sheer dress in fistfuls as I tried to control their trembling.

Father suddenly straightened and took a step back, his face void of all emotion. My heart beat rapidly but I still maintained my composure as I awaited my sentencing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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