4: Knowing You Better (Or Worse)

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He holds my face to his for another brief yet forever-long second, and then pulls away, his eyes shining like a Christmas tree. "Did I surprise you?" He whispers.

I take a moment to recover. "Um . . . Yes. Definitely. Outstandingly so."

He chuckles. "Awesome. I wasn't sure if I should do it or not, so I-" I cut him off by putting my lips back onto his. It feels so . . . so right. With Hunter, I never felt like this. I was unsure of myself, not confident, and inferior to him talking about himself all the time. Now, I felt at home. Like I was taking a leap into some turbulent waters, but I knew that I could swim for miles and miles before I started to get tired.

Bryan pulled back. "I think we should go now," he murmured against my lips. I nodded my head, not caring where we were going or how long or even why. All I could think about was him.

I think it's safe to say that I am officially obsessed.


He took me in his car to some meadow-like area that I had never seen before. "Where are we?" I asked, only slightly caring about the answer. All I wanted was to hear his voice, to see his lips move and form words.

I'm going overboard here, aren't I?

"It's a place somewhat near to my house. There's a park about a mile away from my place, and this is right behind it. No one really goes here, because it's hidden in the forest."

I looked up at him, bewildered. "Where is there a forest in town?"

He laughed. "There's not really one. I just call it a forest because there are so few trees out here that this ranks 'forest-level' in my mind." He catches my disbelieving face. "My mind works things out strangely."

"I can see that," I say. "Explain what this place is again, please." As far as I can see, there are two trees, and the land is relatively flat. So there is no way that this is hidden in a forest, since I saw four trees on the way here. Or maybe I was just staring at Bryan the entire time.

"You've read Twilight, correct?" He raises his eyebrow.

"What? No, I hate those books!" I lie. I read them, but it was when they had just come out and Bree said they were amazing. I wasn't impressed. The entire beginning, where Edward meets Bella in the lab is pretty much the same way Elena and Stefan met in the Vampire Diaries, and the first book, The Awakening, was written in '91. Plaigarism, anyone?

He raises his eyebrow higher. "Okay, okay," I admit. "I read them, but I didn't like them." I cross my arms over my chest.

I see a small smile creep onto Bryan's lips. "You know the magical forest/meadow area in the series? That's kind of what this is like, just much, much bigger. And fewer trees," he grins.

"I see . . ." I nod my head slowly, stroking my nonexistent beard with my right hand. "Wait, you've read the Twilight novels?"

Bryan chuckles and shrugs as he opens up his car door. "Here, I'll show you the forest." He runs around the car and opens up my door, then offers me a hand in getting out of the car.

"Why, thank you, good sir," I place my left hand over my chest and curtesy.

"Oh, hurry up already," he jokes.

I follow his lead to the closest of the trees, where we both sit, our backs to the tree. "So what exactly do you do? Like, what's your job?"

"I'm a high school teacher," came his quick reply.

"Really? Where do you teach?" I ask, curious. He said he lived around here, and I have no clue where this is, so whatever school he teaches at must be around this field.

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