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If you want to start solving a cube, you'll have to learn the notation. And example of Cube Notation would be R r R' r'. This means to turn the right side clockwise 90°, turn the right side including the middle layer clockwise 90°, then turn the right side without the middle layer counterclockwise 90°, and finally turn the right side including the middle layer counterclockwise 90°. I know that was a lot to read, but it gets easier. "So, what about the other sides?" You may be asking yourself. Well, now is when I'll get into that.

R=right L=left
U=up/top D=down/bottom
F=front B=Back

When you turn a side, you turn it like your looking at it straight on. If a letter appears without an apostrophe " ' " that means to turn that side clockwise 90°. If it does appear with an apostophe, then you turn it counterclockwise. Of there is a "2" next to a letter, you turn the side 180°.
So now that you know what Cube Notation is and how to read it, you are ready to move on.

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