Chapter Five

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   Harry wakes.

Though he's not entirely sure how he was asleep in the first place, the din is so loud in the bustling common room. He yawns and swallows, trying to get rid of the post-nap fuzziness in his mouth, then sits up, rubbing the crick in his neck. "Hello sleeping beauty," Draco quips, and Harry realises he fell asleep on his shoulder whilst they were working on their potions homework.

"Oh," says Harry, looking around the room. A few people have obviously been paying attention to them, but no one storms over to inform Harry's he's lost his mind. Draco though is grinning like the cat that got the cream. "You don't mind?"

"Well," Draco says. You were snoring, made working out calculations quite difficult."

"I wasn't," Harry cries in horror, and Draco smirks.

"No," he admits. "But you're too easy to tease."

Harry looks around again. Although the two of them have been hanging around more in public, they hadn't exactly broadcast their relationship, certainly not confirmed it with anyone. Falling asleep on someone though sent a blaringly clear message of closeness and intimacy, and Harry wasn't sure he was happy about accidently outing Draco.

But he didn't seem bothered, in fact he was still smiling at Harry. "What?" he asks. "Am I drooling, was there drool?"

"No," laughs Draco, shaking his head and ruffling Harry's hair. "You were cute."

Harry huffs. "I'm not cute," he argues. "I'm the saviour of the wizarding world."

"And you dozed off in a room full of people in my lap," Draco points out pointedly.

Harry pushes some of the parchment in front of them around. "It wasn't your lap," he corrects. "Aren't you upset? Everyone saw."

Draco takes his hand, and despite all the nakedness there's been over the past month or two, this hitches Harry's breath in coy delight. "They've got to have worked out we're more than friends," Draco says, nodding at Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Hermione. "We spend all our time together now, we smile at each other, we go off and play Quidditch and always try and partner up in lessons. If they don't realise something's up, then they're idiots and they deserve a good shock."

Harry laughed. Draco had a unique way of making him laugh, like he had permission to be himself, nothing to hide. "What kind of shock did you have in mind?" he asks. They're on one of the corner sofas, not many people in their direct vicinity, however a couple of people were definitely raising their eyebrows as the boys linked hands.

"Hmm," said Draco playfully. "Maybe something like this?"

He leans over, and brushes a chaste kiss on Harry's cheek. It's nothing vulgar, no more than friends do in greeting, but like the hand-holding Harry feels like there's a spotlight shining down on them both, and everyone is watching gobsmacked.

When Draco pulls back, he does see that some people are staring incredulously, some are whispering furiously, and some are frozen in shock. He swears Blaise passes Pansy a Galleon. Ginny gives him a thumbs up.

"Right," Harry says and clears his throat. "I think I've had enough of being a spectacle for one afternoon. Shall we...?"

"Find somewhere more private?" Draco leers, and Harry bats him with his rolled up charms essay. "What!" he protests. "Like that wasn't exactly what you were thinking!"

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