Chapter Three

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   Malfoy had deemed the fireplace safe to communicate but not to Floo. Harry wasn't surprised but he wasn't happy as he flung the powder into the flames before thrusting his head in.

"Ron!" he cried, looking out at the image of his partner engrossed in paperwork at his desk.

The redhead slopped his tea before snapping his head down at the grate. "Harry," he cried happily. "What's going on, you find the house?"

"Yeah we found it alright," he griped, then proceeded to explain everything that had happened. He could hear Malfoy's enraged pacing behind him, his knuckles cracking, his teeth gnashing.

"Hang on a minute mate," said Ron, hastily writing a memo. "I need to get a few more bods down here, that sounds serious."

"Tell me about it," agreed Harry.

"Roses are red," Draco recited behind his back. "Violets are blue. We're royally fucked, how about you?"

"Stop being a drama queen," Harry hissed at him.

Ron arched an eyebrow. "Malfoy?"

Harry nodded, and Ron shook his head in commiseration

Harry waited as the room filled up with a few more people, all asking questions to his head bobbing in the fireplace of his and Ron's office.

"What are they saying?" Malfoy demanded, but Harry waved him off, not wanting to have two conversations at once. But Malfoy was impatient. "Potter?" he snapped, and gave his leg a not so gentle kick.

"Malfoy!" Harry snapped, drawing his face back out of the flames, just as the head of the Automated Hex department was outlining his theorem.

The flames went out immediately, and the chimney bricked up, leaving both men blinking at it a little stupidly.

"Uh oh," said Malfoy.

"What do you mean 'uh oh?'" Harry asked, not liking the sound of it one bit.

Malfoy looked guilty. "Well I did think it was rather generous of those bastards to let us have access to the fireplace. Maybe they realised their mistake and blocked up the network as soon as your head was clear."

Harry's eyebrows shot up. "You mean, you think they're monitoring us?"

Draco looked unsure. "They could be. They could do that from literally anywhere in the world. Or it could be an automated reaction. I don't know." He started giving the fireplace another look as Harry fumed and debated the possibilities.

"You had to kick me, didn't you," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You were ignoring me," Draco replied petulantly. "Did you at least learn anything?"

Harry sighed. "It doesn't look great, not at the moment anyway. The apparition distance looks to have increased, and there's probably more hexes around the perimeter now, so it's going to take several hours for anyone to get close to us."

Malfoy ruffled his hair and stepped back from the fireplace, careful not to step on any of the debris littered around the room. "Well," he said, brushing his hands and giving Harry an apologetic look. "At least we're safe for the meantime, as long as we don't try and leave, and they know we're here, so they're get to us eventually."

"Eventually?" Harry found himself repeating, his temper deflating into moroseness.

Malfoy shook his head. "Yeah, I guess we're stuck here for now. So..." He tilted his head to the side and considered. "Cup of tea?"

Roses (A Drarry FanFiction - Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now