The Agency

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(Note: I am not J.K Rowling, so this is probably going to suck.)

He stood in the chamber. Then the doors opened. And they came in the hundreds, punching and kicking. But Kiwi beat them all.

And then he was gone. Walking out and down the halls to the mission prep room. It was time. His next and possibly last mission with the Agency.

The doors slid open soundlessly, and he stepped in.

"Ah, Agent Kiwi, a voice said from the shadows, You've been briefed on the situation, I presume?"

Kiwi said nothing, but gave a nod in answer.

"You never were a talkative one, were you?"

Kiwi shook his head and thought Actions speak louder than words.

"Anyway, you should go and get to the hanger. You leave in 5."

Kiwi turns to leave.

"Oh and Kiwi, try not to blow up the plane this time."

Kiwi smiles. He remembered what happened in Zimbabwe.

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