The Call (Chapter 30)

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I rush around the kitchen. Having a million things to do, all in a short amount of time. After being forced to come clean about my past I feel that I have to make it all up to Zak, by making him a romantic dinner. I know that he still loves me and that at the moment he is just blown away by all of the new information that he has found out. That would be a lot for anyone to take in at once. Really I don't blame him one bit for being irritated at me. I know if that happened to me I would be irritated too. I would feel that the person kept it away from me because they don't trust me knowing that type of information or they were hiding it because they think that I would leave if I knew the truth. 

Zak has been head diving into his work over the past twenty four hours. I guess that he really just needs a distraction from all of the shit that we are going through with Criss, and the demon house is a much welcomed distraction. To be honest with myself, I would much rather deal with the paranormal right now too. It seems like it would just be easier to do that than to face everything that I am facing. 

Aaron and Joanne has been off of the radar since Joanne came back. I have never seen Aaron as happy as he was when I last seen him, and I am glad about that. But I still feel like punching her in the face for ever making Aaron shed a tear. I know that Aaron and Joanne need their time alone. But I would love for Aaron to be around right now. I probably would not feel like I am left out in the cold and he could talk some sense into Zak. I guess I have gotten use to the life that I am living now. It use to be that I have always kind of felt like I was left in the cold to fight my battles by myself. But now I have been part of the team for so long I have gotten use to the fact that we face things as a team. Like a family.

Zak walks into the kitchen and leans against the kitchen counter, "I think that you should be the first one to know that your favor worked. I just called my lawyer and he said that all charges were dropped. I also took a look at Criss' twitter account and he publicly announced that everything that he said about us is a lie and that he is sorry for everything. So I am about to call the cable network and let them know about the chain of events. Maybe this will put a smile on their faces and the show wont be canceled."

A smile creeps across my face as I look up at Zak, "I told you that he is a good talker."

Zak looks at me with an expressionless look on his face, "But this means that we owe them a favor now and if it would ever get out then the show is canceled."

"Why would we owe them anything if we are just cashing in a few favors? Then that would mean on going favors. Tony was my father's best friend, he would not do that. And rest your fears about it getting out. The only people that know what happened is us, Tony, and Criss. We wont tell because it was a favor for us. Tony would not tell because that would mean that he would be telling on himself. And Criss wont tell because that would mean that either he would get really hurt, or he would have to give up his life that he lives to go into hiding. I don't think that Criss wants to go either of those ways," I assure Zak. 

"I hope that you are right," Zak tells me, as he walks out of the kitchen. 

I walk to the stove and take the duck that I am baking in it. I set it to the side and set up the steamed vegetables up in a bowel. I start taking all of the food to the dining room table and setting up for dinner. I set up the places on the table and set the bottle of wine on the table as well. I am hoping that tonight goes well and that we can put all of this behind us. Zak walks back into the room with a smile on his face. His award winning smile makes my heart leap. It has seemed like an eternity since he has smiled that careless smile that wears at the moment. 

"Well, the show is not canceled. The protests that happened for a few days did not effect us in any way. In fact it has boosted us in a way. It has caused a lot of people to start talking about us. The thing that went on with Criss has done the same thing. So the cable network is offering us a lot more money for the next season. They said that they were hoping that it went this way because they have noticed how our rerun ratings skyrocketed since all of this. Of course with all of the things that have been happening with me and the court thing they could not keep the show on if I have a record like that," he happily announces.

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