Here Is London (Chapter 4)

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I walk down a cobblestone path, walking arm and arm with Zak. My eyes gaze in wonder at all the historic looking buildings. I close my eyes with the images that my eyes has just seen and think of how it would look long ago. The buildings that I seen did not look like they were going to fall down or anything, but you know that they are very very old. 

Zak and I are in London. Zak thought that it would be a great idea that we take a little vacation with just the two of us. I know that as much as I would love to argue the fact, I do have to say that this is something that I really needed. London is a place that I have always wanted to visit. All through growing up I have always been real interested in history and London I have always felt could offer my eyes and mind as much history as I wanted. There is the added bonus that I finally get to visit the place where a lot of bands that I have always loved got their start. There are other places that I would like to visit one day. But for right now I am taking things one day at a time. 

Since Zak and I have got here we have been loving this vacation. But I think that it is just because we are both are in a way like each other. Zak from time to time would give me some historical facts about a place that we go to or pass in London. Most of the time I am all ears to hear what he has to say and gain knowledge, some times he tells me something that I already know. It doesn't matter to me I could never be happier right now. I am in a place that I always love hearing about with a man that I am in love with.

The only thing that I hate about this whole trip is having to leave Gracie and Reznor at the kennel while we go out and have fun. 

One of the first things that we did when we got here was go to the museum. I simply loved it. I have always loved going to museums and know that even if he did not already take me there I would have asked to go before we left. All through growing up my parents would take me to museums and I would always have so much fun in them. One of my favorite ones that I went to was the Mutter Museum. My parents waited to take me to this one till I was a teen, and  I could see why. Never-the-less I am truely happy that I got  to see that. Some of the things in there was kind of sick but it was a great time over all. 

We of course went to go and see that Buckingham Palace where the queen lives. I thought that it was such fun to go and see the guards. Zak arranged for us to take a tour of the palace and also talk with some of the guards. We were not able to talk with the queen, because she is on holiday. Not saying that Zak has all kinds of connections or anything. To be honest the only reason that we were able to take the tour was because the queen is on holiday. The guards that we talked to was just because they have seen the show and spotted Zak, and they were not on duty at the moment. It was so fun to talk to them. It was real fun to talk to the guards. They were very funny and nice as oppose to the way that most of us think. 

In the same day that we visited the palace we also seen Big Ben, the London Bridge, and rode on the London Eye. I did not want to go on the London Eye at all. I was so terrified of it. I have always had a very real fear of heights. But in the end I am glad that I went on it. The view was breath taking. I think that Zak was a little afraid of going on the London Eye too, but he would never tell me if he was or not.

It seems like since we have been in London it has always been cloudy with a little drizzle here and there. But nothing can bring this trip down, even if it is rain. There was one night that Zak and I went to a bistro to have some dinner. It was by the hotel that we are staying in so we both decided that we would walk. On the walk home it started to rain cats and dogs. Zak wanted to get to the hotel as soon as possible. But I decided that I would stop walking and play in the rain. I would jump in the puddles that was starting to form. Around the time that I looked like I just took a bath in all of my clothes Zak decides that it cant be all that bad to play in the rain. He would run to me like he was going to grab me and take me back to the hotel against my will. I would run from him laughing and giggling. It did not take long for him to start to get winded. I let him catch me, when he did take hold of me, he held on to me tight and gave me a long passionate kiss. 

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