Us, Psycho Killers Three

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I was sprinting away from whatever that thing was at the end of the street, feeling emotion I hadn’t felt in a long time. I was out of my wits terrified as I stumbled around the corner to find whatever she was waiting for me. That’s when I realised I was acting like prey. I stopped.

She didn’t give off a malevolent air. We studied each other. She was tall, taller than my own six foot seven stature, estimating around seven foot ten. Her hair was black, and I could see her green eyes hidden under a veil of skin and besides from that, when I studied her face with both normal and my strange eyesight, I could see nothing. She was faceless.

‘I’m Jack…’ I blinked. ‘Eyeless Jack.’ Jeff had gotten to me.

She didn’t respond. Remained motionlessly staring at me, I moved to leave and was surprised to see the metallic crimson of panic shoot through her chest and suddenly her long clawed hands were fastened over my arm.

She twisted herself away when she answered, so I couldn’t see what she answered from or how she even spoke. ‘I’ve heard of you.’ Her voice was that of a teenaged girl, high and I expected her to giggle or something. ‘I’m Slender…Girl?’

‘What, like skinny girl?’

‘No.’ abruptly her voice turned cool and detached. ‘Call me Crimson.’

She turned back toward me, fresh blood dripping down her pale white jaw and into the mangy hair that framed her head and I knew she didn’t want to speak anymore. So I nodded.

I thought for a moment. ‘You can… uh… Come live with me if you want?’

I looked over at her and was surprised to see the darker tinge to her skin. Was she blushing? Such a thought seemed alien to me. She was blushing at the idea of living with me? Me the eyeless boy with the blood covered clothing?

After a hesitant pause, she nodded. My throat hurt as if keeping that conversation going was too much for me and I began walking without looking back to see if she was following me.

I walked down the street and after reaching a corner I turned back to her. She followed with a sort of jerking gait, like her body didn’t catch up with her mind or soul and would freeze before suddenly speeding forward to where she was. It made me dizzy and annoyed to watch. She reached me and suddenly her hand was at my neck. I kept the fear at bay as a cold feeling seeped in through my blood and Crimson tilted her head to the side. Finally she dropped me to the ground, letting me recover my equilibrium before taking my hand. The ground seemed to spin and Crimson’s entire frame seemed to glow with the colour of fear. It was different however to what I would see on Fred or Jeff, this fear seemed to have been harnessed from others and was being used to her benefit.

She released me and we were standing in Jeff’s house. Jeff was on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with idle curiosity, studying each rivet and crack in the structure with uncanny interest.

He heard my footsteps easily and he looked over at us. He looked sad today, never smiling even for a second and when a smile did grace his face, it was so forced it seemed painful and made him seem even more upset.

‘EJ.’ He said in greeting, then looked over at our guest… Or new roommate. ‘Who’s that?’

‘This is Crimson.’

‘That’s a stupid name.’ Jeff informed her. He suddenly leapt up from where he was lounging on the couch to spring off the chairs backing and onto the roofs corners, lodging himself in place above her head.

Crimson looked up at him slowly and besides from that remained completely still.

I let him inspect the newcomer and contented myself with tightening my mask. It was a habit I’d picked up in my early days, before I’d lost the remnants of my humanity and it had stuck as a nervous habit. Why I was nervous was beyond me.

‘What’s your kill sign?’ Jeff asked, managing to cling to the slightest cracks in the roof as he looked at Crimson upside down. ‘What are you?’

She remained silent.

‘Were you once human?’


‘Can you do anything cool?’


Jeff moaned and dropped from the roof to land face first on the carpet. My hands stilled there tightening at the bang and I looked up, shocked. Jeff didn’t move. I waited.

He rolled over, perfectly unharmed. ‘She talks less than Jack.’ He groaned. ‘Why do no serial killers know how to strike up a good conversation these days?’

I sighed. ‘This is Jeff.’ I told the silent figure. ‘He’s…’ I could think of no words to describe the manic personality Jeff held. ‘… Bipolar?’

Jeff giggled. ‘Bye Pole!! Are… You coming back?’

I walked away.

I sensed the new girl was following me and paused, watching a spider scuttle away from me. I turned. ‘Can I help you?’

She looked at me and something in her eyes told me she was lost and embarrassed.

‘A room?’

She nodded slightly.

I lead her to a spare room across the hall from mine, the one room I’d actually taken the time to venture to. Where Jeff slept was still a mystery to me.

Why did she make me so uncomfortable? ‘I… Uh… You… Um… Have pretty eyes?’ What? Where did that come from?

Behind the melted skin she blinked and tilted her head to the side as if to question what I’d said.

‘Oh… Right… I can see them.’  What was wrong with me? Was I this out of practise at talking to girls? Or maybe it was because she had no face and claws for hands.

I opened the door for her, the chivalry I thought I’d left behind reappearing for a split second.

She walked past in her jerking way and looked around the room. It was threadbare and decaying. Blood stained the walls and from where I did not know or think to ask Jeff.

‘My name is Anna.’ She said suddenly, facing away from me. ‘And I’ve always been a fan of Eyeless Jack.’ She said, before closing the door between us.

†             †             †

A/N: Well that was probably the least gory thing I've written since beginning this story (Well besides from the OTHER stories I'm writing...) Look! It's Anna! She's back! I missed her girliness, writing all these guy's is getting tiring. 

I feel that chapter was awkward. I have to go back and make it flow more... I apoligise for that. 

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