Chapter 4 part 2

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Warning! Mature Content ahead. Proceed at your own discretion or skip to the next chapter.

Andrea couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Ansem rose from the water like the god Adonis. Muscles rippling across his stomach, the veins bulging at his biceps. Instead of a tail, he now had a pair of muscular thighs, glistening with water, it was then that her eyes wandered between his legs, where his manhood laid hard and heavy.

Blush crept up her cheeks as she forced her eyes to go towards his face, his eyes showing something that sent shivers down her spine, "Ansem? W-what are you doing?"

"Taking what is mine," he said in a low voice, walking towards her with a predatory grace.

A low growl rose from her lips, her hands reaching behind for her blade, slowly unsheathing  the diamond encrusted blade, "I don't know what you mean but I'll never let you lay a hand on me!" she growled, jumping on top of the desk, her blade ready to strike.

One moment he was there and the next she was pressed against the satin covers of her bed. Andrea's heart thudded rapidly inside her chest. She wanted to scream except a hand was placed over her hand.

"Please, please don't resist," Ansem pleaded.

Andrea's eyes furrowed, her eyes peering at Ansem through the darkness. The creatures eyes glowed with a strange light, flickering between a bright blue to a dark purple.

"Please," he whispered before removing his hand and tenderly kissing her lips.

It's been awhile since a man last warmed your bed, her conscious said, you never know when this will happen again... Surrender yourself.

With a soft whimper, her fingers loosened on the dagger, a soft clink sounding off on the floor boards.

"Thank you," she heard him say, his thumb running over her lower lip while his other hand tried to undo the laces of her corset.

"Let me do that," she murmured, her fingers undoing the laces, occasionally brushing against the hard ridges of his abdomen.

Ansem watched the corset fall away from her waist, the shirt now loose around her soft form. With tentative fingers he pulled the shirt upwards until it was completely removed.

Olive skin became exposed to him save for the cloth that held her breasts.

Ansem dipped his head, soft, warm lips touching her navel, sending warmth pooling at the pit of her stomach. She couldn't help but notice the restraint Ansem held as undid the binds on her chest. However when his expert fingers reached for her trousers, tugging them past her hips, thighs and finally off of her legs, leaving her fully exposed to him.

"Beautiful," Ansem murmured huskily, his tongue darting out over the hardened pink nub of her left breast, illicting a soft sigh from her parted lips.

"Please," she begged, her fingers reaching out to intertwine themselves in his long black hair.

"With pleasure my love," he murmured into her neck, his teeth grazing the tender skin beneath her ear.

She felt his hands guide her slender legs around him, creating a sudden surge of burning heat between them before burying himself into her with a single thrust, causing a soft moan from her, thrusting deeper into her, guiding her through the throes of passion.

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