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'two souls but with
a single thought
two hearts that beat
as one'

-John Keats


ENGLISH LESSONS ARE ALWAYS FAIRLY DULL. Especially as we're studying short stories. All we do is annotate, discuss and analyse with the goal of passing an exam at the end of the year. It all just seems a bit pointless to me.

The teacher's cool, don't get me wrong. I think she knows that as a top set we want to do more than just analyse the words and write essays, so she comes up with these cool games and activities. Sometimes it's based around drawing, sometimes it's a debate, and sometimes she lets us choose. But on this occasion, she went a bit out of the box.

We were studying a story called 'On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning' by Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author. The story itself wasn't particularly interesting. It was weird if anything, and I didn't really get it. But to liven up the lesson she paired us up, one boy with one girl by pulling names out of a hat, this way 'it was completely down to fate' to explain whoever we got.

The activity, she explained was to try and make our 100% perfect match, not find it like you'd expect to. Of course it was all hypothetical and taken with a pinch of salt. We were to ask each other the famous 36 questions to fall in love, and see what happened. It was going to be interesting to say the least.

Aimee was paired with Jake.

Flora was paired with Hugo.

Bea was paired with Will.

Isabella was paired with Charlie.

Isaac and Lucy were the last two names from the hat. We were paired together. Great.

We barely knew each other, we hadn't spoken properly in years. In saying I didn't like English that much, this was only going to make it worse and horrifically awkward between us.

A/N: this story was actually inspired by a discussion following the previously mentioned short story, which we did, in fact study in our English class, you don't need to read it though to understand the story. Thanks for reading, make sure to comment, vote and let me know what you think!

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