The camping trip Part 19

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Aphmaus pov:Zane was helping me set up our tent for camping Katelen Jeffrey Kawaii~chan and Reese where comming

Zane brought the food Kawaii~chan made the sweets I smiled at Zane as he stuffs a marshmallow into my mouth I stuff some into his calestea snapped his out of his mouth and ran with it "NOOOOO MEH MARSHMELLOWZZZZZZZ"as Zane chased her in circles

Katelyn was snuggled up with Jeffrey making smores Kawaii~chan was cooking with Reese Zane sat with my I was in his lap I lied across his lap and he nuzzled his noes Agnest mine

Befor we could kiss calestea jumps up and licks Zane instead on his lips 

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BLEHHHHHHHHHHH"as Zane threw up beside a bush we all laughed

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