Chapter 5

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"I'm leaving." Klaus says after a few moments. "I only came to warn you that there is no point in trying to run because even if you do manage to escape, I'll catch you all over again and when I do, not even my blood will be able to heal you after what I intend to do."

When he spoke to me this time, I wasn't afraid.

"Do you understand?" He continued.

I opened my mouth to speak but not even a whisper came out, so I nodded.

"Good." He said as he stood up, walked to the door, and stopped. "You are to stay in bed until I return." With that, he left.

BTW: bolded italics are his thoughts

Chapter 5

*Klaus' POV*

"Why?" The question I asked myself repeatedly. Why did I bite Ashley? Why do I hurt her? What is wrong with her? And the one that has been pestering me for the longest time, Why do I care about her?

"She's just a girl you've been chasing. Why do you treat her the way you do?" My conscience would always ask me

"I don't know." I'd answer automatically, yet I knew the true answer.

"You l-"

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I leaned over and picked it up from the desk, answering it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Klaus." A familiar voice greeted me. A smirk spread across my lips.

"Gloria? I never thought I'd hear from you again."

"Well, I never thought that people would be talking about some all powerful hybrid, but things happen. Anyway, I heard that you needed my help."

She must've had a spy wander around my house.

"And why might I need your help?"

"To figure out what's wrong with Ashley."

My smirk dropped instantly.

"What do you know about Ashley?"

"I know that you kidnapped her, and bit her. Now she's throwing up blood and you need me to find out why and how to stop it." She paused before continuing. "If you really want to help her, bring her to me."

I considered this for a moment.

"What's in this for you?"

"What are y-"

"What do you want Gloria? The last time we spoke was the 1920's."

"Fine. I need protection. There's a group of vampires here that are threatening my family and I. They say that we've taken something from them and until they get it back, there will be blood."

"And how is this my problem?"

"Do you want to keep Ashley safe?"


"Tomorrow, 3 p.m."

"I'll be there."

The line went dead. I placed my phone back onto the desk before returning to my own world.

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