first time

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Oz was walking in the vessalius manor. When he saw a young girl crying in a corner:
-why are you crying?asked Oz.
-uncle Oscar dosen't want to play with me .'SNIF'.
-uncle Oscar????
-he told me to call him like this, but he isn't my uncle.'SNIF'
-OK. Do you want to play with me. Miss...
-Loly,i'm Kate's grand-daughter, and i'd love to.
-poor little thing.
-she's not that bad.
So Oz played with loly in the garden.

-time skip-

-Loly!!! I was searching for you Come on we have to go Mr Oz.
Kate took loly's arm and started walking away:
- Loly promise me that you will come play with me tomorrow.
- she can't. Loly has stuff to do. Said kate.
- it's an order. If loly's not there you will get fired.
- yes master.
-see yah ! Said Loly. At the same moment she huged oz. He was so suprised that he juste froze .
- Loly dont do that ! Come on we must go.
-bye Loly see yah!

-time skip-

-Ozzzzz!!! I'm here
- i'm in the garden.
Loly walked to the garden and saw Oz sitting in the grass reading a book.
-what do you want to play? Ask Oz
-hid and seek. You count.scream Loly runing in the manor.
-1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 ready or not i'm coming.Oz start to search Loly in the manor when He herd:
-GET OUT !!! LITTLE GIRL!!! Oz heard his father voice
-let me go. 'snif' You're hurting me 'SNIF'. Let me go 'SNIF'. Oz start to run ans fine his father with Loly's arm in his grip:
- LET HER GO!!!!! Screamed Oz. His father trow Loly on the wall in front of his office ans walk away without looking at Oz. Loly was crying. She was on her side, facing the wall.
- Are you OK. I'm sorry. Loly turn to face him. She stood up. Hugged Oz ans start to cry on his shoulder:
- i was si scared Oz. 'SNIF' Tanks for saving me. 'SNIF'
- It's nothing Loly. It's finish.
- ok.

-time skip (1 week later)-

(Loly pov)

- got ya!!! You're the tag. I Saïd when i finaly touch Oz.
-not fair. You were hidding being the three. He cryied.
- your older than me. THAT it's not fa......
- oooohhhhh!!!!! No, Kate. Me and Oz say in the same time.
- i have an idea follow me. Oz take my hand and start to run in the Woods.
- were are we going.
- hidding in the wood. So i came pass more time with you my Lolypop.
- i tell ya not calling me like this.
- but it's cute, like you're face. My turn into a tomatos. Oz stop to run.
- finaly. Now wath are we doing.
I ask.
- we can sit there ans talk.
- good ideas.
So we sit in the forest ans we start to talk about anithing:
- are you cold? Oz asked me.
- a little bit. But i'm o....ha!!! Oz pull me closer. I can feel its warmth through my clothes. it's feel so good :

-are you ok like this Loly?

-yes. I said feeling my face become red. we stay in this position four a couple of minute, than Oz broke the silence:

- LOly i want to tell you somthing.

_whay is it Oz? I asked looking up at Oz cute little face.

- I...i..i.... Dam it. he hugged me firmly.

-Oz whats happen with y...

befor i finish my sentance, Oz lips meet mine. At first i was suprsed but after a couple of secomd i kiss him back. Oz broke the kiss for air:

-i tink i love you loly. whispered Oz in my ear.

-i tink i love you to. A fter this i put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

i hope you like it.

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