when we meet again

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loly pov

it's been 2 week since Carter died and now i'm WORKING in a little restaurent in my childhood town. i was living with my mom and i also sold the farm to an old farmer.

(oz pov)

- Gil!!! were are you. i screamed in the manor.

-i'm her young master. Gil and i are preparing to leave for the restaurent casa bella (A/Nit's my favorit restaurent)

- finaly i was afraid you would not come with me. now shall we go.

-of course young master.

in the carriage me and gil didn't say a word. 30 minute later we arrive to the casa bella:

- welcome mr. vessalui. i'm happy to see you again.

-i lory. how are you.

-fine like everyday. now would you follow me to your table.

-of course. me and gilbert follow lory to our usual table in the vip lodge.

-the waitress will come soon please wait a second.

-perfect tanks to your hard WORK lory. you cane leave now.

i said to the young red hair women.

-so, when will you finaly get married, oz? you have to chose a wife. ask my man servent.

-i do not know gil. i don't find a women who light me.

-ok continue to tink about it you still have a years to find one.

-i know gil. i know."toc toc toc"

- can i came in? we heard trew the door.

- of course. i said. the door opens and a young girl with black hair enter the vip dinning room.

-hello. i'm gone be your waitress for today. she said without looking at me or gil. but i have an impression that i already saw her some where.

-hi. i'm oz vessaluis and thi his my man servent gilbert.

- OZ!! it's you.

-yes. who are you? did we met before ?

-of course i'm loly we were frien 6 years ago.

-LOLy!!! i said get up and hug her. i'm so happy to see you. it's been so long since that day.

-i kn....

-sorry can we order please. gil ask bored of waiting

- of course sorry, that's your menu and i gone a be back in a seconde to take your order. she sai before leaving the room.

- what was that? i ask gil

- what was waht? he said.

-why did you interrupt loly? we were talking .

-because i was hungry and that she have to do her job. he said angrily.

"toc toc" loly enter the room again:

- did you choose what you want to eat mr.

-yes i will take the cesar salade and a stake plase. gil order

- something to drink?

-yes a coffe.

-perfect and for you mr. vessaluis.

-you cane call me oz you know.

-ok. so what do you want m. oz.

-i will take a green salade with some cury bune please (A/N sorry for black butler fan)

-something to drink with this?

-of course. mmmm. i'm gone take earle grey tea please loly.

-perfect i'm gone be back with your drink.

--time skip(after the diner)--

-i hope that you enjoy the dinner. ask me lory

-it's was perfect and i want to talk with the waitress please. a said lookin at her.

-yes mr.vessaluis gilbert. and she leave the room.

-gil wait for me in the carriage i want to talk with loly.

-yes, young master.

gil leave the room and loly enter:

-you ask for me mr. oz?

-yes, i have some question for you.

-of course, but not today i'm still working so can it be an other day like next sunday i'm free.

-perfect come to the manor sunday just say that are my friend they gone let you in.

-perfect. now i have to go back to work see ya sunday.

-see ya loly. i said leaving the room after loly.

--time skip (to sunday)--

normal pov

loly enter the manor without any probleme. when she enter oz room she saw a naked oz who was about to put some boxer on:

-i'm so sorry oz. she said turning around. loly was about to get out of the room but someone hugged her from being:

-please loly dont leave. it's ok you can stay.

-oz get off of me i don't want to do anything for now . please ozi let me go and put some clothe on.

-ok you can wait on the balcony.

-ok. so she went on the balcony, she sit on a banch and wait about 2-3 minutes befor oz came sitting besind me.

-sorry for what happen in my room. said oz shily.

-it's ok. so you have question for me.

-yes i want to know why did you leave me and never talk to me after?

-well. that night. so she explaine everything to him what happen that night and here 6 years with Carter.

-now i understand so he died 3 weaks ago.

-yes and i realy do love him at first i was hating him to marry me and take you out of my life oz. she said feeling her face become red.

-and why you didn't try to contac me these past year.

-i was not aloud. Carter was to protective with me. she said starting to shake a little bit.

-are you cold. i'm so sorry.he said put an arm around loly shoulder.

-it's bring me memories.

-o yeah, cane you tell me one.

-our first kiss in the wood. she said hidding her haed in oz shoulder.

-i remember that day we were hidding from kate, you get cold, i kiss you and i tell you my felling. he said lifting loly chin up. and i'm still loving you loly. i never stop tinking about you. oz said kissing loly. they broke for air.

-i love you ozi.

- i love you to my lolypop.

(A/N hope you like next chapter i'm pretty sur i'm gone writ a lemon so can you tell me what you like about lemon so i can put it in tank you)

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