Chapter 10

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The banana trees are now fully grown and the flood make the soil even better than before. The banana needs time to ripe before it can be sell so they put it in baskets and keep it in front of their house. Not only that the banana leaves and the branches also sell for good amount of money.

"If we keep selling like this, it would be good" said Mrs.Orn while rowing their wooden boat back from the market. All the stuff that they bring to sell are all gone.

"Aom, now you can go back to study at the University"

"I think we should wait a bit to make sure that we got our saving back, we just got back on our feet and I know we still don't have much money. If I go back now, I won't be able to concentrate because I would be worry about you working so hard Mom. I'll work harder and next year when we are doing better, we'll talk about this again, you don't have to worry about me"


"Mom I know you love me but you have to know that I love you too, I don't want you to work too hard"

"Thank you Honey, this is all I could ever ask for"

The wooden ship float slowly with the current, when they reach their house, Aom grab the dock and tying the ship to the pole.

But when she looks up to the house, she exclaim to her mom, "Mom, what is going on?!?"

Aom's voice makes Mrs.Orn looks to the front of their house. What she saw was a thin old lady trying to stop a group of people. That group of people are wearing a beige uniform, they are laughing and singing around the coconut tree in front of Aom's house. One person in the group try to climb the coconut tree but fell down every time, this make other people in the group laugh loudly. So the person who's trying to climb the tree now take an axe that's close by and trying to chop the tree down. Banana peels are everywhere on the floor.

Aom quickly got up from the boat, run toward the house and scream at those group of people with anger.

"What do you think you're doing?!?"

Mrs.Orn follow behind Aom and try to stop her, "Honey calm down, it's ok I'll talk to them myself, you go take care of Grandma"

But Aom doesn't listen anymore, she headed full speed to the person who's trying to chop down the coconut tree, grab the axe from him and toss it to one side. Which made the people in the group laugh and cheer even more.

"Who do you guys think you are, trespassing into my property? Plus you destroyed my stuff, look at all these bananas are now unsellable!"

Mrs.Orn walk over to her daughter and her grandma is trying to explain what happened.

"These people came and try talking in a language I can't understand. I told them to leave but they won't listen and they are searching around the area of our house. They found baskets of banana, drag it out and start eating it. One guy try to climb the coconut tree, he can't so he decided to chop it down" said the old lady.

"Did they do anything to you Mom?" Mrs.Orn asks with concern.

"No, they just laugh and cheer"

Aom points her finger to that group of people and said, "Go away! Get out of my house! GO!"

Even if they didn't understand what the petite girl is saying, but they can tell by the sound of her voice and her reaction. Which make them laugh and cheer even more. One person in the group clap and started singing in their language, the rest of the group follow.

The person who try to climb the tree started singing and dancing around the petite girl in a circle. He shake his head back and forth, raising his eyebrows at her which make the singing and cheering even louder. Aom wants to cry standing in that circle but not long after that the cheering, clapping and singing stop suddenly, when that group of people heard a voice.

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