Chapter 7

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Now present time so like a year or 2 later. They are both 17.

Fairy's POV

"Fairy! Come meet Ester!" My dad shouts up at me.

My dad brought home his new girlfriend. Ever since she came into his life he spend less and less time at home. Thankfully I met Kenya. She's my closest and only friend.

I walk down the stairs.

"Hello baby!" Some lady screeches.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Come here let me get a closer look at you." She says.

I hesitantly walk towards her.

"You need a haircut. But I love the color. You are quite short." She says looking down at me.

"Dad I'm going to Kenya's." I say.

He nods.

I run out the door.

I jog down the street a little.

"Hey girl!" Kenya shouts.

"Hey!" I shout back.

"Guess what!" Kenya shouts.

"A hippo ate your brother!?" I say.

"No! We're going to California!" Kenya says.

"Who's we?" I ask.

"You, me and my older brother!" Kenya says smiling.

"When?! I have to ask my dad!" I say.

"My mom already did! On Thursday!" Kenya says.

"That's tommorrw!" I say.

"Shit really?" Kenya says.

"Yeah! I'm gunna go pack!" I running home.

"Wait! I'm already packed so I'm coming with!" Kenya shouts running after me.

We sneak up to my room.

"How long will we be there?" I ask pulling out my bags.

"Two weeks." Kenya says grabbing my bikinis.

"Okaay!" I say smiling.

Shawn's POV

"Amazing performance!" a stage guy shouts at me as I make my way to my dressing room.

I grab my phone and click on Matt's number.

[Yo man! What's up?] Matt

I don't say anything.

[Shawn?!] Matt

[How was the show?] Matt

[I sang for her.] Shawn

[Shawn, you need to get over her.] Matt

[I can't!] Shawn

[Bro, it's been 2 years.] Matt

[I know...] Shawn

[Let her go.] Matt

[Okay.] Shawn

[See ya soon man I gotta go.]

[Bye] Shawn

I hang up. I can't just "let her go".

"Shawn! That was amazing!" My manager says walking in.

I nod.

"What's up? You seem off."  Andrew says.

"Can you find someone?" I ask.

"Who?" Andrew asks.

"Fairy Rae Holmes." I say.

"Who is she?" Andrew says writing something down.

"Best friend of 10 years. Well we haven't spoken in 2 years and I have no clue where she is." I say frustrated.

"Well. I'll see what I can do. But you get a break in California now so. RELAX!" Andrew says smiling.

I nod.

"Get showered, we leave in 45." He says walking out.

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