Chapter 2

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I walked through the doors, nervously and showed my pass so the security can let me in. They led me down the steps into the main lobby.

"So your new here?" One of them asked.

"Yes my first day! Coming from Buffalo" I responded.

"And what did the b's enroll you as?" He asked.

"An assistant trainer" I told him.

He nodded his head and we continued our route.

He lead my through some metal doors and I opened it, revealing a big spoked b on the wall.

I stood in awe. "Well then I'll see later" he said.

"Nice meeting you" I responded, shaking his hand.

I walked past the wall and headed down to Claude's office. It took me a while to find but eventually I did.

I knocked onto the door and heard "Come in!"

I opened the door and saw Claude sitting his office chair.

"Hi! My name is Claire, I'm the new assistant." I said, greeting him.

He immediately got up from his seat and shook my hand. "Well nice to meet you! Sit down sit down" he told me.

I sat down in a chair, and spoke to Claude for a few minutes. He showed me around the rink and locker rooms, and lastly showed me my office.

It was a decent sized office. It already had a desk and chair, the rest was for me to bring.

"Practice starts in 2 hours, some boys might be coming in any minute now. I suggest introducing yourself" Claude said, then left my office.

I immediately hesitated. This is the day I've been waiting for all my life. I started cleaning my stuff out of boxes I already had set up.

I placed my stick, skates and new uniform by the door so I won't forget.

Out of nowhere, I knock was on the door. I walked up and opened it, seeing Patrice's face.

"Hey! I'm Patrice nice to meet you" he said in a slight accent.

"Claire" I responded back.

I was star-struck. I can't believe this. I just can't.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Ye-yes" I said stuttering.

I pushed open the door fully and Patrice walked in.

"This is just a little first day gift" Patrice said handing me over a box of chocolates and flowers" he said, blushing.

The first time any boy has blushed at me.

"Awee thanks Patrice. You didn't have to" I said, blushing as well.

A smile grew on his face.

His-his smile. It was gorgeous. It was amazing.

The was an awkward moment of silence for a couple of minutes.

"well then, I have to start getting read but see you on the ice. You'll show off some of your skills" Patrice said smirking.

I giggled. "Uh yeah of course" I said playing with the joke.

Patrice laughed and left the room, leaving me in shock.

I can't believe I just met my favorite Bruin.

A couple minutes later, after I finished staring at a wall for ten minutes because I zoned out, I started getting ready for practice. I went to the bathroom to switch into my track suit and walked back into my office go put on my skates.

I grabbed my stick and walked out onto ice.

I skated over to the spoked b, which glittered on the ice. I stood in awe. I looked up, seeing the big jumbo tron above me, picturing thousands and thousands of Bruins fans.

I zoned out again and I heard a whistle noise coming from the tunnel.

I quickly looked up and saw Brad. He skated over to me.

"Amazing eh?" He asked in a Canadian way.

"It's incredible" I responded.

"I'm Claire by the way" I reached out shaking his hand.

"The rat" he responded and I started laughing.

"Well I think we will get along fine eh?" He asked making me laugh once more.

"Like best friends?" I asked.

"Sure why not!" He responded.

More and more boys piled out and I greeted them.

Patrice greeted me once more. He skated around and I immediately noticed his tucked in jersey.

"Holy shit" I mouthed, at the fact that Bergy's tucked in jersey is a turn on for me.

Claude finally, came out signaling it was time to start practice.

"Before we start boys" Claude said, "we have a new member in our Bruins organization. And that is Miss Claire right over here" he said.

The boys started tapping their sticks on the class.

Practice was 2 hours.

After practice, I waddled over the women's locker room, showered and changed.

I walked out, immediately seeing Patrice waiting outside.

"Claire!" He said excitingly.

I jumped up, frightened, not expecting that.

I started laughing.

"Whoops didn't mean to scare you like that" he said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

He's-he's touching me. And I'm freaking out inside.

"So anyways, we are having a little get together at my house, and I wanted to know if you want to come? It's nothing big, and it's fine if you can't I understand it's your first day here in Boston." Patrice Asked.

"Uh um" I said hesitantly, "yeah sure" I responded quickly.

Pat smiled.

"Well then I'll see you there" he responded, with a light smirk.

My cheeks started turning bright red.

I was in love. In love with Patrice Bergeron.

How It Started (A Prequel to Left Alone in the Dark)Where stories live. Discover now