Fuck society's morals.
I can be transgender.
I can be bisexual.
I can be gay.
And you can't stop me.
You can't stop me from loving.
And you can't stop me from not loving because I am a person. A human. And it is only natural to love.
I have my own preference.
And you have no right to use it against me.
You have no right to tell me loving the opposite gender is wrong.
You have no right to tell me that wanting to be the opposite gender is wrong.
Because quite frankly I was told to be yourself.
So don't tell what I can't and can be because I know my body more than you and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.
I will not follow society's morals if it means not loving the person I love just because it is seen as a sin or disgusting. What's disgusting is the fact that you think it's disgusting. What's the difference between loving the same gender and the opposite gender?
Love is love.
And you won't stop me from loving.
So fuck society's morals.
Listen To Me
PoetryWill you listen to the words I have to say? Or will you walk away? Which will it be?