Chapter 1

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"Ring" "Ring" The familiar sound of my alarm clock jerked me awake. Groaning, I reached to turn it off. 5 minutes later I decided I should probably get up or I'm going to be late for school. Reluctantly, I pulled on the first clothes I saw. Jeans and a purple t-shirt with white flowers on it. I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs, where I was immediately hit with the delicious smell of bacon. I rushed into the kitchen to see my mum serving 3 pieces of bacon onto a clean white plate, which I guessed was mine.

"Finally, you're up. I was worried your breakfast would get cold and I'd have to eat it myself" She said with a smile.

I grinned as I sat down and gobbled down my bacon. Then I rushed out the door and sprinted to school.

Breathless, I finally reached the gates, where groups of people were chatting and laughing. A few of them looked at me but most of them were too busy gossiping. I carried on towards the doors and went inside. Finding my locker, I quickly grabbed the books I needed for first period which was History. I picked out a textbook, an exercise book and a blank pad of paper to doodle on in case I got bored. I slammed my locker shut and walked towards the history classroom. When I got there, I looked around for a bit before spotting Jaxon and Elsie, my best friends. They were obviously talking about something hilarious because Elsie was crying with laughter. When they saw me they gestured for me to come over.

"Hey Hazel, are you excited about tomorrow?" exclaimed Elsie

"What's happening tomorrow?" I wondered

"Don't you remember" Jaxon asked

I gave them a very confused look.

Eventually Elsie shouted "It's your birthday silly!"

"Oh, yeah! I guess I forgot" I said. How could I forget my birthday?

"So are we still coming over for that sleepover tonight?" Elsie asked

"Only if you want to." I said hoping she would say that she did want to.

Elsie relieved me of my fear "Of course we want to! But we have to play truth or dare. It's basically a sleepover tradition."

"Settled. All night truth or dare." I said smiling. She smiled back.

"Oh, and we have to stay up until at least 12:10 because you're not officially 15 until then." Said Jaxon, breaking our stares.

"Sure" I replied

The history teacher, Mr Grayson, came through the door and announced,"Good Morning class, Please sit down and open your textbooks to page 247 on the causes of the Russian civil war"

"Ring" "Ring" The sound of the bell finished the last lesson of the day. Immediately, I picked up my maths books from my desk and, after leaving them in my locker, went outside to meet up with Jaxon and Elsie, who were waiting for me by the gates.

"So are we taking the bus?" asked Elsie

"No, It's 14 September which means we're not going to get many more beautiful days like this this year. Let's walk." Remarked Jaxon

I agreed. Besides, Jaxon always likes to be right, so we walked and talked all the way to my house which is in the centre of London so it took us about half an hour.

When we arrived it was about 7:00pm so we ate pizza in the garden, while discussing the lessons we had had and how many full pages we had managed to doodle on. Of course Jaxon managed none because he loves to pay attention to every single word the teacher says. And Elsie's doodles were more like professional pieces of artwork, but she is the best artist in our year.

After about an hour, we decided to start playing truth or dare. I always pick dare because it's the most fun. During the game I had to perform a belly dance, drink a smoothie made out of pizza, mustard and lots of other disgusting ingredients, and attempt to do a backflip(Which failed miserably by the way). Elsie and I thought up some really embarrassing dares for Jaxon which he wasn't pleased about but went along with them anyway. Elsie has always been great at truth or dare and she never refused to do or say anything.

After Jaxon finished his street dance performance, Elsie and I attempted to stop laughing and to dry our tears.

"Hey, guys!" Shouted Jaxon,"It's 12:09. It's your birthday Hazel! And 1 minute till you have officially been alive for 15 years!"

"One more round before you turn 15?" Asked Elsie

"Why not." I replied with excitement

"Your turn Elsie." exclaimed Jaxon

"OK, Truth or Dare" I asked

"Uh, Truth." She said

"um..." I started. Should I ask her? I wondered to my self. Jaxon and I should know. OK "Elsie, why are you rarely ever at your house anymore?"

Elisie's smile faded and a look of pain took its place.

"Uh...I...I don't want to talk about it." she whimpered, tears forming in her eyes, as she stood up and ran off.

"Elsie, wait!" I shouted after her. I was about to get up and run after her when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to see Jaxon shaking his head at me.

"Let her go." He said sympathetically,"She needs time to think."

"I just wish she would tell me what's wrong" I replied.

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