How we first met.

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It's been almost 2 months...

I'm here again in this place again. This place with his name engraved on a kind of rock I guess. I don't know what to do. I just, I just can't think of it anymore. I remember it again... the scene when we first met.


"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" 

"No, you can sit there if you want to." I'm so busy so I didn't look at him. I'm really busy opening this food of mine. 

"Would you mind if I help you to open that?" I looked into his face and uhmm... he's so handsome.


"I'm Chaz, you're always welcome."

"Hi, I'm Angel nice meeting you."

You know what? In that kind of scenario we became friends. And I was so happy because we became friends. And then after 4 months of our friendship, he courted me. I was shocked back then. He was my first boyfriend. 

And here's how our lovestory started...

*Kring! Kring! Kring!*

I picked up my cellphone and he started talking...

"Hey! Angel, how's life goin'?" 

"Hahaha. Awesome! Why? What's the matter?"


"I what Chaz? Speak up."

"I..I would like to ask you for a date."

Ohmy... my heart's beating ike a drum. I really waited for him to ask me out on a date. Ohmy! Dream come true. 

"Yeah. I would love to go!"

*Our date...*

"Uhm, Chaz thanks. Thank you for bringing me here in this expensive restaurant."

"No, I should be the one to thank you."

"I'm so happy Chaz"

"Oh, by the way Angel..."


"Are you a magnet?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I'm attracted to you."

"Oh really huh? Pick-up lines? I hope that's true and not a joke. Hahaha."

"Wait, did you just farted?"

"You're such a joker Chaz. I'm tired of it now!"

"Because you blew me away..."

"Urghh, another pick-up line huh? Hahaha. Okay, I'm getting flattered already."

"Will you be my girl Angel?"

"Enough with your pick up line."

"No, I'm serious..."

Then, he gave me a dozen of colorful rose. And I was like shocked there sitting in my chair. Then, that's the reason why we became couple.

When we became couple my whole life changed. Everything. I'm really happy I found him. Him who will accept me and love me. 

I really admire him for he is such a sweet boyfriend. 

I know, we will be forever together...

Until one day. The day that change everything between us. 


This is such a short story. Pardon my grammar because I'm getting confused now. And Pardon me also if I can't meet your expectations. I'm sorry. Become a fan? Vote? Sure and thank you. :D 


My love for you will stay forever...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon