~Tenma X Reader 2~

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Author's Note
Ok so here's an update (WOOHOO)!
Hopefully this story will make sense ><
Kk just enjoy this partt

Your POV
"Your hiding something," I looked at her suspiciously. "You'll find out soon enough," her smirk widened.
I raised an eyebrow. "Umm okay?"
But there was still a question on my mind. Is there such thing as love at first sight?



Your POV
We started on our shopping after the 'little incident'.
"How about this one (y/n)?"
"Nope. Too exposed."
"NO! Geez do I look like a stripper to you??" (A/n: Remind you of someone?? *wiggles eyebrows* ...no? Errr ok. *awkward silence*)
I rummaged through the dresses, frantic to find the perfect one. I came across a (f/c) dress that looked really nice. (A/n: Pic on top^ Imagine the dress as your fav colour) My eyes widened. "How about... this?" I held it up like a prize. "Simple... yet elegant! Its PERFECT!!" Sakura screeched. I covered my ears. "Chill gurl. Let me just try it on, kay?? Just wait outside for me." I held the dress in my hands and walked towards the dressing room in the shop. A few minutes later, I opened the door timidly. "So... how do I look?"

Sakura's POV
I waited impatiently for (y/n) to come out of the dressing room. A few minutes later, she opened the door timidly. "So... how do I look?" I looked at her. I was in shock. My mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. "Do I look that bad?" She asked worriedly, "No wait. Don't answer that. I'll just get another one." I could see the disappointment on her face. I finally snapped out of my daze. "NO! THIS IS JUST... AWESOMEE. BUY ITT (Y/N)!! BUY. IT. OR. I. WILL. KILL. YOU."

Your POV
I knew I wouldn't look good in these stupid party dresses. I'll just wear casual clothes then. "NO! THIS IS JUST... AWESOMEE. BUY. ITT (Y/N)!! BUY. IT. OR. I. WILL. KILL. YOU." I spun back around, surprise evident on my face. "Oh. Ok!" I said excitedly. "Your going to look like an angel
(y/n)!" I turned tomato red. "Haha... thanks..." I went back into the dressing room. 10 minutes later, we walked out of the shop with shopping bags on our hands. Sakura had bought a blue dress. (A/n: Dress will be shown in the next chappiee) Both of our dresses reached our knees. Sakura's was a little more revealing though. We bought earings and a pair of high heels each too. We had decided to go to Sakura's house to prepare for the party tonight at 7pm. It was going to end at around 12am.I was planning to leave much much earlier though. Sakura's parents were going to drop us off at the party. We had to get back on our own though because her parents would have already been sleeping.

Timeskip to when they are preparing at Sakura's house

Your POV
I was showering while humming to myself when I overheard Sakura talking to someone called 'Aoi' on the phone.

Sakura's POV

Sakura: S
Aoi: A

S: Alright Aoi so what are we going to do to get them together?
A: I have an awesome plan in mind! Ok so this is what we will do...
Tenma, like (y/n), doesn't like parties. He only came because I begged him to XD. When I give you the signal, you will suggest to (y/n) that she should go out for some fresh air. I will do the same to Tenma. Then, from there, we will just let the rest play out by itself!
S: Cool! I can't wait to see if this succeeds hehe.
A: Ok so see you at the party?
S: Yeah see you! Byee

Your POV
I could hear pieces like "Aoi...get them together..." and "see if this succeeds...". After that I couldn't hear anything else. Them? Could she be talking about....No, it can't be. But still... Guess I'll have to find out for myself later.
I put on my dress and started drying my hair with the hair dryer. I looked at myself in the full length mirror in Sakura's room. I had somewhat slightly tanned skin and I was just a little shorter than average. (A/n: Just like me XD) My (h/c) hair reached just above my waist. I had only noticed how my (e/c) eyes stood out from my face. "Ok Sakura I unlocked the door I'm donee."

Sakura's POV
I stepped into the room and saw (y/n) looking at herself in the mirror. "Ahhh I can't wait to do your hair later! Your gonna look gorgeous (y/n)!!" I gushed. She blushed slightly at my comment. I chuckled. "Ok now you get out. There's food in the fridge if you want some. Just, don't touch my ice-cream."

Your POV
"O-Ok." With that, I walked out of the room and ran down her spiral staircase. Did I mention her house was HUGE? And I mean like mansion kind of HUGE. It took some time for me to reach her living room. Her living room was the size of half my house. She had this gigantic tv flat screen on the wall with a big, soft and squishy-looking sofa facing the tv. I plopped onto the sofa and turned the tv on.

Timeskip to when they do each other's hair because I can

Your POV
It's been half an hour... Is she done yet?? I'll just go check up on her.
I turned off the tv and got my butt off the comfortable sofa. I climbed the staircase and finally reached her room. I knocked on the door. "Sakura... what are you doing in there? I'm already growing white hair waiting for you. HURRY UPPP," I started whining while pounding against the door. "Just a few more minutes..." I heard a faint voice coming from the other side of the door (A/n: Hello from the other sidee~~).
I heard a click and I turned the knob of the door. I looked in and saw Sakura checking herself out in the mirror. I snickered and when she realised I was in the room, she turned beetroot red. "Alright, TIME TO DO YOUR HAIRR."
(A/n: Look at the vid above^ and just try to imgaine that happened)

While trying to tie my hair...
"Ow! Don't pull so hard Sakura! What if my hair falls off?"
"It won't fall off that easily *rolls eyes*"
"Ugh whatever..."
After about like maybe half an hour or so, I finally heard Sakura sigh in relief. I looked at my hair in the dressing table mirror. I gasped. "It's beautiful..." I whispered. She grinned. "I knew you would like it."
When Sakura finished tying her hair, I knew it was time...

Time to meet new people, yay.
(A/n: Note the sarcasm)
Ok so I tried to make this one long ^^
Alright honestly I don't know how long this story is going to be so bear with me ><
Ok so see you guys next time! :)

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