Crash to Earth

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I'm time skipping to when they crash to Earth.

Moonstone's p.o.v

I looked at Peridot and smiled at her as we worked. Sunstone and Jasper were training in another area which gave me time alone with Peridot. Sunstone knew that I loved Peridot. And I knew that my sister (Pretend gems have siblings) Sunstone loved Jasper. We would talk with one another when we had free time. I glanced at Peridot a faint blush going across my face. I looked at the controls as we set some coordinates down. "Moonstone may I ask. How is this Rose Quartz gem?" Peridot asked. She was the one who created the rebelleation for Earth. Me, Sunstone, and Jasper fought in the war.

We almost got shattered but with our my limb inhansers back then. I had the speed and strength to get my small group of gems out of there. We would have won but Rose was cunen. She had a few different types of gems fuse to create a gem that was as strong as three Diamonds. That was the only reason we couldn't win. And we couldn't colonize on this planet. So that's why we were sent to check on the cluster. Since we can't colonize then the planet should not stay." I said. I know Yellow diamond was always right.

But the planet has wonderful places to go and see. The sights we worth anything even shattering. We kept on working till we heard someone running in. I turned to see that the prisoners got free. I got up and grabbed the destabilizer and I got the small gem that held Rose's gem. He grabbed it the destabilizing marks forming on him but he did not cloud. I backed away and pulled my fan blades out the Pearl ran at me and Amethyst ties Peridot up. Amethyst then ran at me and I was backing away and doughing her whips.

There was an explosion in the engine room and the ship started to fall. I stomped the ground as an escape pod formed around me. I watched as me and Peridot went to Earth. Our escape pods going in different directions. I watched as tall mountains came into view. My eye widened as my escape pod want thought and split in two. I hit my head for a moment and backed out for a sec. When I opened my eye all I saw was a bunch of rocks landing on top of me. I cried out in pain feeling my gem crack from the weight of the rocks.

I shakes and slowly pushed the rocks off me. I got from under the rocks and stayed under a tree looking at my gem. My gem badly cracked. If I was not careful it will shatter. 'I need to find a gem.., any gem and get help.' I thought leaning back on a tree. I wanted to get up but I could not. I felt weak. Then I thought of Sunstone, Jasper, and..... Peridot. I don't even know if she survived the landing. I slowly got up leaning on the tree of support and slowly made my way though the forest. I then opened my screen to make a log.

" Log date..... 3 71 2.
I crash landed on Earth after some type of engine failure. My gem badly cracked...... If it is hit just right I will shatter..... Separated from Sunstone..... Jasper..... And Peridot. Along with our informer Lapis... I shall try my best to find them.... Till then I shall slowly and weakly make my way around this planet.
Moonstone out"

I finished my log date and kept on going through the forest. With my luck I could find help. I don't even care if it was those clods..... Right now I need help. I need to find Peridot. No matter what. I pulled my screen up to show an image of me and Peridot. I smiled a little a the image and slowly made my way to a warp pad or something. I just hope that I find somegem.

And that's this chapter. I hope you all like it see you next time!

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