Chapter 2:Life downhill

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When we made it to the forest area i was exhausted mainly cause i had too carry my little sister on my bag and huge bags of groceries god why did i have to be stuck with the heaviest crap? The others were walking ahead argueing about who's dads geekiest though somehow the subject got changed to bra's and i stopped for a moment wanting them to get as far ahead as possible before i started to walk agian. Ashley kicked my side "Faster Dylan!" She shouted.

See no respect at all i started to walk agian but i saw that the others were frozen in horror. I came and saw the door too our cabin was literly ripped off the hindges i set Ashley down "Stay here till we come get you ok?" I asked her.

She nodded more confused then afraid good i didn't want her to be afraid yet. We walked inside and the sight was more gruesome clawmarks on the walls pictures on the floor broken what appeared to be blood was on the floor but it was pure black instead of red. All my moms efforts to keep this house clean seemed to have been turned into a speck of dust. As we headed downstairs it was worse and worse the stairs were made of pure metal but alot of them were broken we had too jump over them. The kitchen was covered in broken glass food was spilled allover the floor. Ashleys room was horrible i was so glad i didn't let her come all her dolls were headless her dress up outfets and regular clothes torn to shreds her princess bed was turned over on the floor.

The antique box our grandmother gave to our mother who gave it to Ashley was smashed to smitherings. My room was almost as bad all my comic books my computer my skateboard everything smashed to bits as if they were garbage. I heard Silvia scream and winced Aleena and Sydney ran too her knowing how horrible it must be for her. Finally there was a moan coming from the lab i walked in there and almost threw up all the computers were smashed and you could see the electricity coming out of it.

Though that wasn't the horrible part Silvias father was on the floor it was sad. He was a strong man he always seemed invinsable to any kind of attack but there he was on the floor legs broken glass allover him and claw marks across his chest his eyes seemed very glassy. The worst was it looked like something took a bite out of his side and shoulder like he was a donut. Silvia saw her father eyes widening and screamed "Daddy!" She ran right over to him.

"Mr Grace what happened?" Aleena asked looking pale.

That was Silvias dads last name it definantley didn't fit him even though it fit his daughter his first name was Granite which fit him much better. Coughing up some blood he said "I dont have much time we were attacked thank god you kids were gone" He whispered.

"Daddy your going to be fine" Silvia said trying to be strong.

Granite put his bloody hand on his daughters cheek "Princess your more beautiful than any angel as beautiful as your mother i give you two things first is this" He said and took out somthing from around his neck and placed it in his daughters hands and cuffed her hands around it.

He looked at each of us and said "You kids are more special then you will ever know" He coughed alot more blood on the floor before continueing.

"The second thing is theres a card taped under your fathers desked Aleena take it and go to the closet and have the scanner scan it there is somthing in there you all must find and theres a map you cant stay here much longer" He gasped for a breath getting closer to deaths door.

"All of your parents the ones you havent seen in years had a reason to leave now is the time to find them agian hopefully you will find the items you need to find them and good luck princess im sorry...." He was about too say somthing else but he grew too tired to even speak.

He just kissed his daughters forhead one more time then went limp his eyes glazing over with death. Silvia hugged her father screaming "Daddy! Dont die on me Daddy!" She kept screaming louder and louder none of us said anything.

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