Chapter One☆

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Romeo's Point Of View:

A loud knock on my bedroom door had awoken me from my slumber. 'Honey, come on wake up. Time for school' my mother shouted from outside my door. She knocked once again before entering and proceeding to rip the covers away from my body and quite literally yanking my curtains open, letting the morning sunshine beat down onto my body. I groaned and muttered to myself about how she can't just come in and rip open my curtains without warning.
I shot my ma a glare and stumbled out of bed to the bathroom.
Once I was in the shower I let the hot water jets pelt down onto my back soothing my tired muscles. I washed my body and my hair I stepped outside the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and another drying my hair.
Once I was dry I picked out my black jeans and a white top which hugged my abdominal and arm muscles. A few minutes later I ran my hand through my hair multiple times pushing it up into a small quiff a few stray strands falling free.
My mother called me downstairs for breakfast so I sat down and joined my family. She shoved a plate of toast under my nose and spoke to my sister Violet asking if she had everything ready for school. Dad leaned over the table to grab the butter and asked about Avery. Just thinking about her sends my heart into a frenzy and my stomach into a fit of butterflies. Wait, scratch that. Elephants having a party in my stomach. You can all call me a girl and a little pussy for feeling like this but I love her. She's special and I have no idea why. I'm just drawn towards her. She's like Nutella on toast. Addictive and sweet.
I snapped out of my thoughts and answered my dad swiftly.
'Uhhh..' I muttered rubbing the back of neck. 'I guess things are good. I still love her...' I sighed and felt my dad's hand pat my shoulder as he walked past me.
'It's okay bud, things will get better. I know it's hard. I can tell how much you love her'.
As you can tell, my family already knows. They knew from day one. From when I was younger. I fell in love with her from the moment I set eyes on her.
She was five and I was six. She wore a lilac dress flowing to her knees. A bruise on her shin from when she fell over the previous day, her hair was cut short and her overgrown fringe covering the tops of her eyes. She smiled, her two front teeth missing. Though when she smiled her tongue would poke through the two missing gaps which was adorable. Her big green eyes shone with innocence. She was beautiful even back then.
I smiled at the memory and gathered my plates and placed them in the dishwasher. I picked up my combat boots and laced them up. Once that was sorted I got onto my motorbike and rode off to college.

*At College*
I drove into the car park of the college and turned the ignition off standing my bike onto it's side and took my helmet off, running my fingers into my hair sorting it out. I climbed off my bike and walked into the building. A few girls following me in the process sighing as I walked past them. They all followed me like lost puppies. I turned to them and told them to fuck off being desperate to which they scampered away.
Ryder, Oliver and Tyler came my way and smirked. I smiled back and greeted them. Ryder and Oliver were in there own world's talking about girls and how the hot blondes now look like wotsits with the horrible tans they gained from fake tanning. Tyler and me on the other hand spoke about Avery and Amelia. Tyler has a huge crush on this certain blonde. He himself was blonde, he had coffee coloured eyes and was a few inches shorter than me. He wasn't as muscular as me either but he was still well defined. Tyler had told me that he liked Amelia due to her quirky personality and her straight shoulder length hair, his favourite part about her was her smile and eyes. Her eyes were a auburn which complimented her fair skin. We all joked about for a while longer til the bell went. Me and Oliver walked to registration walking quite quickly as we were already late. I wasn't looking where I was going and collided with a small body sending the person flying to the floor along with the belongings and books. I hurriedly picked them up and apoligised to the person and to my surprise I looked down and in all her shining beauty it was Avery staring up at me with those big eyes. My eyes clouded over as I drank in her beautiful features. She was even more beautiful than from when I last saw her. Her wavy hair pooled around her waist, her lips parted slightly and breathing heavily- a small blush covering her cheeks. I once again snapped out of my thoughts and placed my hand down in front of my her as a signal to help her up. Avery gripped onto my hand as I gently pulled her upwards so she was standing onto two feet again. She whispered a small thank you and took her books from my hands. She walked away from me and I sighed audibly.
Oliver smirked at me and patted my back
'Dude your so obviously in love with her and if she hasn't realised that yet then she's an idiot'
I groaned and spoke 'is it really that obvious'.
Oliver spoke up again 'Well yeah, you turn down all these other girls who would happily spend a night with you, whenever you speak about her you get a glint in your eye's and you smile. It's very obvious, but that's only because I'm observant'
I groaned again and shoved his shoulder slightly.
'Man shut upppp' I sped away from my chuckling friend and walked to registration getting a late mark in the process.

So, this was my first chapter. How do you think I did? This is my new book. And I promise I will finish this one. I hope you all enjoy my story as much as I enjoy writing It.
-Alyssa x

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