Together or not

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(It was Christmas day)

It was simple he would ask Zoe if he could speak to her. He had thought of her saying no but he knew deep down that she would say yes.

Leaning against a wall by the ED was Zoe smoking she watched as the smoke floated away in to the sky wishing the mistake she made on her hen night would just float away with it but also she had a hand in her pocket and in the pocket was her wedding ring she could never part with it it was too special to her.

*A while later*

Max saw Zoe walking over to the pub with Dylan and he just shook his head and carried on walking on then Zoe saw Max smiled at him and carried on walking towards the pub and he ran up to her and grabbed her arm ignoring how reluctant she was and led her round to the other side of the pub.

And said

Look Zoe I know things haven't been the same since

No Max stop

No can you hear me out please?
Just...maybe...we can give us... another go?

You know what it was a stupid idea anyway and he started to walk away but something pulled him back and then he turned round to face Zoe and realised just how close they were they hadn't been this close since the light bulb incident a couple of weeks ago.

But then in a slow movement his lips touched hers and they shared a soft kiss and heard her murmur we could try
And then they kissed once more full of passion and full of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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