Chapter 2 : Change

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Hi guys! 

Here's another translated chapter! Hope you'll enjoy!

Have a nice day :)

For the second time in two days, Gajeel passed Fairy Tail's threshold. "What a stupid name", he thought. But this time, the situation was completely different. He was hired, he didn't even know for which job, by the very man that he tried to steal from. At least, his ankle held out. Contrary to what he first believed, by some sort of miracle, his bone was still in one piece. As to his pain, the old man asked a young girl, even smaller than that girl who lives in the apartment he invaded the night before, to give a look on his injuries. She must be 14, tops, and Gajeel was first reluctant. But afterwards, he had to say, she really has a talent! Whatever ointment she put on, it was working.

He therefore went at the agreed spot and waited for a sign. He had no idea on who he was supposed to wait for when a boy with... pink hair? Stopped to stare at him.

- So you're the one that's supposed to show me around? Gajeel asked him point blank.

- Oh! Hey Luce! That's the new guy! He exclaimed to a blond girl without even speaking to him.

- The new guy's right in front of you, you moron!

- So you fought Laxus? He asked with a large goofy grin. If you want we could exchange a few blows ourselves!

Who the hell was that idiot? Did he really just offered him to fight like he would to grab some lunch? That dude seriously had burnt neurons.

- Whenever you'd like, flame brain! He replied, his anger growing inside him.

- Natsu!

The blond girl from before came closer and pulled flame brain from him by the ear. She stared mistrustfully at Gajeel, detailing him from head to toe, as if she wanted to evaluate his danger level. She than realised she still haven't speak to him.

- My name's Lucy. Sorry for my friend and... eum... welcome to Fairy Tail.

She turned her back to him and slipped to the girl he recognised at first sight: the one that hit him with a baseball bat. The latter gave him a quick nervous glance before being dragged farer by Lucy, an arm on her shoulders. He hardly had time to turn back to see another person in from of him.

- You must be Gajeel! Asked the joyful receptionist he saw the day before.

Her again? She must live here, for god's sake, thought the young man.

- Yep.

- My name's Mira! I'll be the one showing you around the hostel today. Follow me!

Gajeel did so, walking in a nonchalant way behind a very enthusiastic Mira, showing him every corner of his new work place. He just looked, mentally noting what seemed to be important to him.

- Ah! Good morning Mr. Makarov! She happily exclaimed seeing the owner from the other end of the hall.

- Hello Mira! And hello to you Gajeel.

- Hi.

- So... Did you choose which job you want to do?

- Choose? Was surprised the newcomer. You're not gonna drop on me the job nobody wants to do?

- If I were you, id offer something, Makarov warned him. You really do not want to do the job!

- Oh my! Exclaimed Mira.

Gajeel stared at both of them, looking for aswers.

- Nobody knows what is the job, whispered Mira.

- So why the hell are you both doing a big fuss about it! Yelled the young man growing angry.

- Thrust me, you don't want to find out.

- So Gajeel, continued Makarov, did you have other jobs before?

- Let's just say my little visit from yesterday wasn't for fun. Aside from helping my father at his restaurant when I was younger...

- Cook it will be! Simply settled Makarov as if he just chose something from a menu, a satisfied smile on his lips.

- What the hell? Do I look like a freaken cook to you? Growled Gajeel. And even if I'd like to cook, I didn't have accept to a decent kitchen for the last seven years!

- Well see in due time. Ah! Speaking of ... where do you live my boy?

His lack of response confirmed Makarov's expectations and he led him to and apartment block in front of the one where Levy lived.

- Since most of the hostel's employees have heavy pasts and no family, I developed those apartments for everyone to have a place to call home.

- Not necessary.

- Ah! Too bad, you already have an apartment in your name just in front of Fairy Hill the block for girls only.

- What the hell is that fairy obsession of yours?

The small man ignored the question and guided him to the third floor. The door opened to a small dwelling. It wasn't very big, in fact, not big at all, but it was more than he ever had. When Marakov and Mira let him to settle down, he let himself fall on the couch why a satisfied sigh. "Gihi, that's perfect for Lily and me" he thought. He had found his cat a couple of years before. Since then, wherever Gajeel went, the black cat followed and waited for him in the spot they were currently staying. At that thought, he jump of the couch to get his cat.

When Gajeel opened the door, he came face to face with his neighbor across the hall who also went out. A sense of déjà vu came over him and he let out a curse.

- That old man must be freaken kidding me! Thought an angry Gajeel while slamming the door before storming down the stairs.


Laxus was already in a foul mood today. Well... he had to admit he was in a foul mood most of the time, but then again, he was forced to work with this band of imbeciles every day. When he saw Gajeel in the apartment next-door, boredom quickly changed to rage. He already knew the old man had a soft spot for people in need but him? His grandfather crossed the line. He was managing the family business like it was a joke. Did he tried to ruin his life on purpose? First his father and now that? He had to do something. He had to find his father. He never knew where he went.

All he could remember was his father's expression of hate towards Makarov. Men in grey took him. Laxus never had answers to his questions. All he could extract from his grandfather was that his father, Ivan, did something horrible. He begged but the old man never flinched. Several years later, Laxus knew that Makarov was going to ruin his family's reputation with all those mother Theresa rescues. Clenching his fists, he was only certain of one thing: there will be a lot of change.

There you go!

Next chapter, we'll learn more on Mira and Laxus :)

Please leave me comments so I can know your opinion ;) 

Lily xx

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