Chapter 13 : Unknown

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Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. That was a good sign. As long as it was beating, she still had a chance. Accumulating all the strength she still got in her, Mira thrusted her fist in the abdomen just in front of her, putting all her weight on the right were she wasn't constricted by Ivan's arm. The combination of both movements was enough to make her fall on the side. Now that she wasn't pined on the wall, the grip on her throat loosened enough for her to escape, coughing profusely.

            Ivan, of course, hadn't say his last word and threw himself on the one he thought was too destabilised to react. But the young woman was ready and turned to the last moment, hitting her enemy's leg with her own. The movement made him stumble. However, Ivan took advantage of it to grab Mira's leg, preventing her to go further.

-          I promised I'd kill you, you bitch. And that's was I'm going to do, no matter how hard you're struggling.

Mira wanted to retort. But no word came out of her sore throat. Ivan, of course, didn't missed her useless efforts and started to laugh again.

-          No need to gag you, I can see. But anyway... who would come to your rescue? Laxus? He's probably unable to help anyone at that moment.

- She tried to articulate. How can you... d..o that to ...your...son?

She swallowed her saliva to ease the pain, took a profound inspiration, then continued.

-          He waited...all those years.

-          He was weak before, he still his. Who would need a son like that?

The tears that, at some point, had stopped flowing stated to roll again on her cheeks. How such a horrible man could be in M. Makarov and Laxus's family? It was simply impossible.

-          Laxus is everything but weak. She cried, ignoring the sharp pain that was piecing her throat.

Sadness was replaced by anger. A vivid anger that took over her body. That man was the worst on earth. She lifted up with a speed she didn't even thought she'd be able to get. Her leg was throbbing, her throat burning, but she didn't feel the pain at that moment. All that existed in her eyes, was the man in front of her and she charged on him.

            Mira gave hit after hit, dodging the ones aimed at her with an agility she didn't thought she had. Some blows managed to hit her, but none of them was enough to make her loose her momentum. Then she saw in his eyes something that filled her with satisfaction. He was afraid. It was there only for a split second, but it was really present. Ivan Dreyar was afraid of her. Afraid to the point of taking out his gun, his ultimate defence, from his pocket. But that, Mira saw it coming and she sent the weapon flying with another kick. Answering to her instincts she threw herself on the gun she now pointed on him, a vicious smile on her face that didn't look like her at all.

-          If I had known you were a demon, I would have finish you of way sooner, he barked, waiting for the bullet to reach him.

-          If I were you, I'd beg. Lisanna, her, didn't even had time to understand what happened to her.

Demon? Even if she had kept a solid tone, Ivan's words were slowly reaching her brain. As low as could be her esteem for the man, she knew he was right. That wasn't her. She wasn't prone to violence. She didn't like to see people suffer. So why was this monster's sufferance so enjoyable? She tightened slowly her grip on the trigger. Then Lisanna's image invaded her mind. Her little sister was smiling to her. Even though she wasn't there anymore, she still had faith in her and, no matter how much reasons she had to hate the man, never her little Lis would had justified violence. And then she understood... she was about to kill someone. She fell on her knees, the weapon, now trembling, still in her hands.

            The rest of what happened was like in a dream. The kind of dream you were only a spectator. Mira heard the door open suddenly. Laxus barged in the ware house. To the sight of his son and Mira's lack of conviction, Ivan decided it was the best time to slip away. The young woman was almost expecting Laxus to go to his pursuit, but instead, collapsed to her side, his breath short while adrenaline was slowly dissipating.


Laxus was relieved to see that Mira was still alive. When he saw his father leaving, he knew running after him wasn't worth it. Anyway, he didn't have the strength to do it. He rather checked on Mira, making sure everything was alright but his eyes grew in horror when he saw purplish fingerprints on her throat.

-          Mira? He asked.

To his look full of concern, she had the last reaction he was expecting: she smiled. A sincere smile... before she started to cry. Obviously, Laxus wasn't ready for such a drastic change of mood.

-          What? What the hell is your problem? He said, overtaken by the events.

Dealing with feelings wasn't his strength, far from it, especially a woman's feeling. Then Mira shook her head, signaling he didn't have to worry about it. The young man wasn't fooled though, be decided not to insist. Clearly, she didn't want to talk about it. Frankly, he didn't want to talk about it either. He lifted himself, a hand on his damaged ribs, courtesy from the men that had restrained him. The young man knew he had chance to get away that good. But the simple thought of the woman who saved his life risking to die to his father's hands... He had been engulfed by an unpleasant sensation. But was that it? Was that only a feeling of guilt? Laxus clenched his fists. He hated not knowing something and, when it had to do with feelings, he was the worst. He wasn't an idiot either. As frustrating as it could be, he knew his father's actions were affecting him much more than he would like.

            Without even realising what they were doing, the car was in front of them and both took place in it. The more adrenaline was leaving their bodies, the more the paint was important. But they wanted to be home as soon as possible, so they went on. He heard Mira offering him to drive, but he refused. The way back was as silent as the way to the port but the tension and anticipation was replaced by sadness as for Laxus than for Mira.

Once in a while, the blond man could see a tear roll on her cheek, Mira lost in her thoughts. He felt that uneasy feeling once again. He was tired of that stupid emotion! Being frustrated was way easier! Then again, his arm moved before his brain could register his action and his hand happened to be on Mira's, reproducing what she did earlier that day. "What's my problem?" Reprimanded himself the young man.

            Mira raised on him surprised eyes. Then she looked away to the point Laxus wondered if it was better to pull his hand away immediately. But before he could react, she separated her fingers, moving them so they could fit between Laxus's. As surprising as it could be, it wasn't unpleasant.


An hour earlier 

            Gajeel sat in his living room, skipping from one channel to another, not able to find something to catch his attention.

-          That stupid evening will be boring, he said to Lily which was curled up on his lap.

A sound resonated in the apartment. It took him two long ringing to realise the noise was originating from the phone. He even forgot he had a phone included in with the apartment. "Did he gave is number to someone?" he wondered. "Probably to the shrimp" he told himself without thinking further and answered.

-          Hello?

-          Gajeel?

-          Yeah! Who is it?

The person at the end of the line, who obviously wasn't Levy, seemed to be out of breath.

-          It's Mira! Gajeel, listen to me. No time go through details, but Levy and you are in danger! The ones that had attacked you at the port want to finish the job!

Without even thinking, he hanged the phone and ran outside, racing down the stairs. When he opened the door of his apartment block, he saw two men on the other side of the road before hearing the sound of braking glass. His blood stopped in his veins at the simple thought of the shrimp being attacked. He crossed the road, trying to ignore the unpleasant feeling, still unknown to him.

That's it for today! Hope you liked it! :)

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