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Charming, 2002 {17-years-old}

It had been a crazy eight months for the club, every member including Clay and his Old Lady Gemma had all made bets on when Hannah would finally talk to Opie again and so far the non talking thing turned out to be a pain in the ass.

Everyone had figured out by now that the reason behind Hannah's actions was something that Opie did, what no one knew as neither spoke of it but all could tell that Gemma had an inkling of what it might be but she was keeping mum until she was one hundred percent positive that she was right about it.


Opie and Donna were dealing with being newlyweds and parents to newborn daughter  Ellie Winston, while they struggled juggling the two it was harder brining the club into things and what was going on between with Hannah as Donna could see how much it was hurting Opie but at the same time he must have really done something bad for her treat him in a manner so harsh that the only way she would speak to him was through Jax or another member of the club.


Hannah felt like crap, Opie was a drug she became addicted to from the moment that she met him and the moment she decided to go cold-turkey she knew something had to fill in the void, so she turned to her favourite liquid courage and with the help of a girl hanging around Jax got myself a dealer.

The high helped me to forget Opie, forget my thoughts, feelings and goals I had planned for our future. I loved the high, it was coming out of it that I realised just how far I had gone  from my old self because I couldn't face letting people know I was sleeping with him, that he chose Donna over me and I didn't have the courage or the strength to fight.

And I was in the middle of shooting up once more when I heard someone scream my name and looked up to see Opie standing before me in shock and in a blink running toward me with  face of worry.


When I woke up I felt sick and as I attempted to sit up I let out a gasp of air as I felt myself be pushed back down. Looking up I saw my dad, Gemma, Jax and Opie.

"Bastard!" I scream seeing him and lunge at his throat with outstretched hands only to be pulled back, held down and tied to the bed by my father and Gemma as I looked at him with the utmost hatred.


I never spoke a word throughout the process of my step-mothers detox program, it wasn't as if though I hadn't been around to help her do it with members of the club or friends of the club because that was pretty much expected of me.

What wasn't expected of me was to abuse those substances knowing fully well what would happen if the club found out, but as time passed they told me that only the four of them knew I had been sticking the needle in but if I went behind their backs and started shooting up again every man, woman and child in Charming would know.

I didn't really care if they told anyone because truth was I had committed multiple illegal acts while under the influence and had been in the midst of intentionally overdosing so that I wouldn't have to deal with the time for my crime, especially after officer Hale cornered me and said he had a witness who could testify that they saw me commit first degree murder and while he wouldn't enjoy arresting me he would enjoy proving SAMCRO that they weren't invincible if they couldn't protect me of all peopl from being prosecuted.


The moment I was left alone with Gemma I told her about the warrant and that I had to be clean and ready to go ASAP as the law was probably already on their way up to the cabin.

I had just finished my shower and changed when I heard the sirens, I didn't wait for them to make it all the way up and park instead I put on a pair of shoes, tied my hair and walked out with my hands raised above my head, palms raised.

When I reached them and they came to a stop I turned around and nelt down on the ground putting my hands behind my back mouthing goodbye to Gemma before being taken away by officer Hale.

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