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Having made my way to my fathers I stayed parked in the car for a few moments contemplating how I was going to tell him that I had gone to Opie before him after my husband, a member of his club had raised his hand to me.

Instead I decided not to and drove back home, this wasn't something I wanted the club to handle I wanted to handle it myself. For years I had felt helpless and weak and thanks to Billy that was all going to end.


As I walked in I made my way into the bedroom and changed into sexy clothing, making sure to hide my single bullet pistol where he wouldn't look before I heard the roar of his bikes engine and walked out into the living area, poured a glass of bourbon and waited for him with a smile.

As he walked in I saw it flash from one emotion to another until it finally settled on a mixture of relief and adoration.

"I'm so sorry baby, just thinking of you with someone else- the thought that you might leave me it tears me apart" he sighs and takes the drink in one hand while tracing the bandaged cut with the other.

"You understand right baby?" He states as a question to which I simply smile and nod before taking the glass of alcohol and drinking it while before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

As disgusting as I feel I know that the only way to do this is seduction and as we reach the couch I make it seem as if though I'm about to suck him off when I pull out the single pistol from where I hit it and straddling him I aim the gun between his eyes.

"You won't do it, you can't-" he's unable to finish as I pull the trigger.


Quickly running to my room I grab a suitcase I had packed for emergency sand open it placing the gun inside along with my handbag.

I then quickly put on a pair of gloves and open up the safe that Billy recently had installed and take everything valuable and anything that may incriminate me out before placing it in the suitcase, zipping and locking it.

I then walk out and as I'm about to leave I notice the glass, quickly I place it in the dishwasher, grab the tumblr of bourbon and pour it over my husbands body before setting him on fire and walking out the door to my open car.

I head strait for the towns welcome sign, stopping as I reach it and looking back knowing that the consequences for my actions will be steep.



I didn't expect to end up here but it was the only place I could think of where nobody would expect me to go or be if they went in search.

I had sent texts and voicemails to the burners of those in the club I trusted of what had happened, why I did it and where I was.

Over a month had passed me by and no one had come in search of me so I decided to enrol myself into college having quite the IQ and having graduated at thirteen but never going on and following the dream of getting a college degree because my father would not allow it.


I had just started the first semester of majoring in business and hospitality that I ran into none other then Jax's ex Tara while studying for an exam at a cute little coffee shop.

After the pleasantries I found myself sitting across from Tara drinking coffee and catching up on what had happened since we last saw one another.

That soon began to be a weekly thing up until I started to receive freaky phone calls telling me to stay away from Tara unless I wanted to be behind bars again.

So I ignored her texts, blocked her calls, didn't bother to give her a second glance or even speak to her if I saw her on the street until she finally stopped and did the same.

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