Chapter 4

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I leaned down to grab the huge piece of debris, and pulled with all my might.  "Please", he wailed.  "Try harder." "I am", I said out of breath, then finally the piece was had came loose and since I was pulling so hard when it came loose...  "Thank you", Riley said as he tried to get up but then quickly fell back.  "Here let me help", I said as I slowly got up and helped Riley stand up.  "How far is Ripley", he asked.  "Not too far", I said as I helped him walk.  About ten minutes later (which seemed like forever)  we reached Riley's daughter.  "Dad, help me, I think my leg is broken", the girl cried.  "Don't worry daddy's here", he said calming her down, as he bent down and examined her leg.  "Yep, definitely broken", he mumbled under his breath.  "What did you say", the girl asked.  "Um, we should thank that girl over there", he said as he pointed at me.   "And um I'm not sure we had a proper meeting", he said again.  "Uh, my name is Newt", I said in a shaky voice.  "Newt, hm, that's a nice name, that's Ripley, and she's 8 years old", he said kindly as he pointed to his daughter.  "You can call my Riley", he told me.  "What should we do now",   Ripley asked.  "Well let's fix that leg of yours", he said as he took some bandages out of his pack, and started to wrap it around Ripley's leg.  "Alright all done, how does it feel, it'll meand in a few minutes", he said.  "Oh it feels better, I think", Ripley said, as her dad took of the bandages to see her leg looking  good as new.  "Wow, I didn't know you had meanding bandages", I said amazed.  "Oh yes of course every Doctor needs to keep meanding bandages", he said.   "Cool, I've heard of them but I've never seen them before."  I said.  "Amazing, huh", He asked me.  "How about you", I asked.  "You first", he said as he took out a scanner and quickly moved it up and down my body.  "Not too bad, just a fractured arm and toe", he told me as I bent down and he put bandages over my arm and leg which hurt a lot.  But then it stopped, the pain stopped!  "How does it feel", he asked.  "Great", I say.  "Good, I'm glad you feel better", He said politely.  "Okay my turn", he said as he wrapped the bandages around both his crippled legs.  "Ahhh, that feels so much better", he mumbled to himself.  "So now what",  I asked.  "We could go back to the ship to see if there are any other survivors", Ripley said.  "Yes we could do that",  Riley said.  "How about you?"  "Yeah sounds good to me",  I said.   "Alright let's do it then", Riley said as he stood up and helped his daughter get off the hard ground.  "Ready to go", Riley asked as we made our way down to the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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