Final Battle

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The next day, I am awakened by Enjolras. I look around the place and see Coufeyrac waking the others up. It was like about seven o clock in the morning. But who cared. Today was the day. The final day of the French Revolution. I could tell that Enjolras was afraid to see what would happen to me. I was worried about him and Gavroche. I would hate to see what would happen to them.

"Are you ready?" Enjolras asked me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Let us face our foes." I reply as I get up. Enjolras smirked a little and looked down.

"I'm serious." He said.

"So am I!" I remark. I walk towards the others while, Enjolras looks at my hat that I left. I start helping with the barricade when Enjolras looks at me scared.

"Eponine!" He yells. Everyone stared at him as I turn around. "Are you bleeding?" I look at him and my grin dimmed.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked.

"Because your hat has blood on it!" He replied. I look at my hat and sigh.

"Eponine, are you hurt?" He asked. I looked up at him.

"Not anymore." I reply. Enjolras grabs my bad arm.

"Ouch!" I accidentally shouted. Everyone watched and Enjolras looked at me.

"Eponine, take off your jacket please!" He said. I sighed, but I had to. I took off my jacket. Enjolras looked at my arm and sighed.

"When did this happen?" He asked.

"It happened last night during the last battle." I replied.

"What happened?" He asked again.

"A guard came out of nowhere and cut me. It wasn't that bad. I even paid him back by stabbing him. It's not a big deal." I reply.

"Valjean!" Enjolras shouted.

"Yes." Valjean answered.

"Clean her up. Good!" Enjolras commanded.

"Yes monseur." He said. I walked with Valjean to the first aid room. Once I shut the door, I hear a lot of shouting. I walk to the door and watch.

"People of the barricades, why throw your lives away?" A guard asked. Enjolras looked at his men.

"Let us fight facing our foes." Enjolras replied. "Let us rise until the earth is free." The guard yelled for cannons. Enjolras and everyone else was already getting ready to fire. The guard turns around.

"Get the cannons ready!" The guard shouts.

"Wait. Fire!" Enjolras ordered. Their shots killed the first row of the enemies. They reloaded and then fired again. They did this seven times, then the cannons fired. The second row came walking to the barricade. I grabbed my hat and jacket and ran to Marius.

"Eponine, your not cleaned up!" Marius said.

"I know but I can't let you guys have all the fun!" I reply. I grabbed a gun and aimed it at the leader.

"Fire!" Enjolras ordered. I heard eeryone else shoot but me. I still aimed it at the leader and waited for the right moment.

"Fire!" The leader commanded. A couple members fell down. I looked at Enjolras and sighed. Enjolras was getting trapped by the guards. He was getting beat up. Marius started helping but got shot in the leg and arm. Valjean walked towards Marius and carried him away. Coufeyrac was busy helping Gavroche fight other guards. I was left. I had to make a decision fast. Shoot the leader or save Enjolras.

"Fire!" The leader commanded again. I put my gun down and grabbed a sword. I ran towards Enjolras. One after the next, I stabbed the guards. Enjolras still had three guards on him. I fought two while Enjolras fought the other one. The cannons ran out of balls.

"Charge!" The leader shouted. Every other guard charged towards us. I stabbed the other two guards and started fighting seven more. I see Enjolras fighting one. The leader. Gavroche, Coufeyrac and I are the only ones fighting the guards. Everyone died by the cannons.

"Give up, barricades" the leader said.

"We'll rather die than let you people kill the wounded or leave us starving." Enjolras replied.

"What will you gain from this?" The leader asked.

"Freedom. Rights. And liberty!" He replied. I finished the seven that I had and went to help Gavroche and Coufeyrac.

"You're idiots. Even if you win, you won't get what you want." The leader said. Enjolras weakened every time the leader said something. I stopped and stared at him.

"What about your family? Friends? Or even loved ones!" The leader suggested. Enjolras almost cried, but started fighting the leader faster.

"I knew it. Its all you people care about these days." The leader said. Enjolras closed his eyes and dropped his sword. The leader pulled out his gun and started aiming it at Enjolras. I grabbed a gun and aimed it at the leader. Gavroche and Coufeyrac finished and watched me.

"Eponine!" Gavroche yelled. "What are you doing?" I fired the gun and killed the leader. Enjolras opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled. Gavroche grabbed a door from the carriage and held it infront of me. Boom.

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